19 10 2016




I admit that it’s sort of crazy, but I have been a loyal and fervent NFL and NCAA college football fan since grade school. Like so many others, I was part of that tide of loyal American football fan base that made the game KingSaturdays, Sundays and Monday Night for decades. We put Super Bowl Sunday inside a shrine, and made it into almost a national family holiday. My wife thought that crazy was a disease that came down on me only during football season. I loved the game like so many others. Every football season, we enter the FOOTBALL ZONE. We are a captured zombie audience warped up and packaged in front of the idiot box by the millions every season. But, I have fallen out of love with the game, particularly the NFL. I thought that day would never come. Racial, political agendas, the U.S. military machine, and now even the Satanic Occult have slowly crept inside the game that I once loved. Now, my FOOTBALL ZONE is being manipulated. It has been turned into a military industrial complex MATRIX.


The NFL has announced that LADY GAGA will headline the Super Bowl 51 halftime show, set for Houston’s NRG Stadium on February 5, 2017. Well, who is LADY GAGA? I heard of her. I seen her, and read a little about her. But, I have never heard any of her music. I am not sure if I can listen to any of her music along the ILLUSIONS. With Lady Gaga, it’s about scientific  designed IMAGERY. It is a new mass population INTELLIGENCE FORCE and tool that can be manipulated and engineered to drive us by mass hallucination into the MATRIX.


She is not family orientated entertainment. LADY GAGA is a Gothic Witch, and a blatant sick multiple personality disordered Satanic ILLUMINATI puppet just like BEYONCE. Why is the NFL continually shoving and driving the Occult and the ILLUMINATI down the throats of the American people?


Super Bowl 50 & the Satanic-Masonic Military Police State


In the 21st century, we were asleep at the wheel, while the National Football League (NFL) has become yet another power hungry secretive Military-Industrial Complex alphabet agency like the CIA, FBI and NSC. The annual NFL Super Bowl has become nothing less than a U.S. Government Militarized Zone and Police State controlled by the PENTAGON, and the secret Satanic Masonic Shadow Government.




So, who is real power behind the militarized and satanic driven NFL Super Bowl? A JESUIT PRIEST. It is U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council.

General Dunford also served as the Assistant Division Commander of the 1st Marine Division, Marine Corps Director of Operations, and Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations. He commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force and served as the Commander, Marine Forces U.S. Central Command.

On May 6, 2016, President Barrack Obama executed an Executive Order (EO)– Facilitation of a Presidential Transition. It is right HERE from the White House in black and white. Normally, a presidential transition or presidential interregnum refers to the period of time between the end of a presidential election and the inauguration of a new President of a country. During this time, the incoming President usually designates new government personnel, including selecting new Cabinet positions and government department or agency heads. The early May 6 publication of the presidential transition EO is said to provide the mechanism for the transition of power between U.S., Inc., President Obama to the reconstituted Republic of the United States of America that is said to be under the Irish “fervent” Catholic and Jesuit Priest, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford.

“It is impossible to read Elizabethan history [i.e., the history surrounding Queen Elizabeth I of England; queen: 1558-1603] except in the context of an army of Jesuits, masters of deceit, treachery, treason, infiltration, subversion, assassination, insurrection, civil war and coercion, plotting for the good of the papacy, and the defeat of all the Pope’s foes anywhere in the world.” (1987)– J.E.C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)

On June 20, 2016, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant, Joseph Frances Dunford, Jr., the highest military officer in America, and President of the Republic of the United States celebrated and sacrificed to the COSMIC old Gods- Cybele, Mithras and Apollo on the summer solstice in Rome on Vatican Hill, at St. Peter’s Basilica that sits on top of the CYBELE’s secret ancient underground temple caves and catacombs.Some people say that it is ridiculous speculation.


Well, this is one of just a handful of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) photo record documents released to the public taken by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Dominique A. Pineiro of General Dunford and U.S. Ambassador of the Holy See, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Pius IX, Ken Hackett, at Vatican City, Rome, St. Peter’ Basilica at the door of the Tomb of Pope Alexander VII. It is very clear that General Dunford was sending a very special message that he wanted us to know that he was there, and where he was. However, most of the public do not know the meaning of the message. It is coded and masked deeply in the Occult. Consistent with his station in the Jesuit Army, General Dunford is an extremely subversive, deceitful and treacherous individual.


Pope Alexander VII (Cardinal Fabio Chigi) was part of the House of the Chigi-Della Rovere, a family of The Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy. The “Black Nobility” are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123 AD, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.

“[Jesuit Adam] Weishaupt established the [modern version of the] Illuminati specifically to be a front organization behind which the Jesuits could hide. After being [formally] abolished by [Pope] Clement XIV in 1773, the Jesuits used the Illuminati and other organizations to carry out their operations. Thus, the front organizations would be blamed for the trouble caused by the Jesuits.” – Bill Hughes (Author of The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked)

The House of Windsor and thus the present Queen of England, Elizabeth II, descended from the House of Guelph of the Venetian Black Nobility. The Guelphs are intertwined with the German aristocracy and European royal houses through the House of Hanover. The Black Nobility are the founders of the secret society of our day from which all the others that are connected to the ILLUMINATI originated from the Committee of 300. The Club of Rome, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers, the Round Table all originate from the European Black Nobility Families. The Venetian Black Nobility funded the creation of Ignatius Loyola and the JESUITS. They are Lucifer’s Children.




The 2016 NFL’s 50th Super Bowl was clandestinely manipulated by the secret Satanic Masonic Shadow State as a device to push the button of global racial divide, mass population hysteria, and CHAOS.


At Super Bowl 50 inside the militarized police zone and within the wicked designs of the alphabet agency- NFL, they marched out Beyonce in “Formation“, a Luciferian child and puppet of the Masonic ILLUMINATI, as an ILLUSIONARY leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (BPP) as if the Panthers were taking over. It was a subliminal mind trick of mass “imagery intelligence” and BOGEYMAN ILLUSIONS.


At a NFL post-game press conference, Washington Redskins Quarterback, Robert Griffin III, was told by NFL monitors/censors/watchers to turn his Jesus T-Shirt inside out before he spoke with reporters. Today, this exceptionally gifted Christian athlete is hanging on by a string with the NFL Cleveland Browns. He may never start another NFL game.


No Jesus or Christianity, but the Idolization and Cult of Marilyn Monroe and Von Miller of the Denver Broncos is O.K. by the NFL. The NFL monitors/censors/watchers knew very much in advance about Beyonce’s Formation half time salute to the Panthers. And, it had absolutely nothing to do with her First Amendment privileges and rights. It had been planned by Lucifer’s Children. They primarily used Beyonce‘s BPP Formation to divide the nation in illusionary hysteria. The false narrative was that Beyonce’s Formation was used covertly as a platform to incite black people to attack STATE and FEDERALlaw enforcement officers.


Whereas, the law enforcement STATE need the masses to give up more of their Happiness, Rights, Money, Power and Authority to the MILITARY-POLICE STATE to protect them. General Dunford seems to head the Marine Corps- LAW ENFORCEMENT FOUNDATION. It’s called “tentacles” of the octopus.


Former bootlicking Negro NFL running back for NY Giants, Tiki Barber, sits on the board of directors of the tentacle Federal Law Enforcement Foundation that honors Catholic Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop of New York; General Dunford, Bill Clinton, and Henry Kissinger. Excuse my expression, but this SHIT is wild and rabbit-hole deep.  




Indeed, the year 2015 was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the BPP by brothers, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, CA. Brother Huey was assassinated over 27 years ago, but the Satanic Masonic Shadow Government and Military-Industrial Complex is still very much afraid of the legacy and image of the  BPP; and Brother Huey as if he is still alive, today.


You see, Brother Huey and BPP were no threats to the people. The masses loved Huey and the BPP, here and abroad. Our Chinese brothers and sisters are very selective, reserve, careful and cautious of the character of people. In 1970 after his release from prison, Huey received an invitation to visit the People’s Republic of China before the U.S. President Richard M. Nixon visit in 1972. Huey visited China in September 1971. At every airport in China, Huey was greeted by thousands of people waving signs, “we support the Black Panther Party, down with US imperialism” or “we support the American people but the Nixon imperialist regime must be overthrown”. During the trip, the Chinese arranged for him to meet and have dinner with an ambassador from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), an ambassador from Tanzania, and delegations from both North Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam.


Brother Huey had two meetings with the first Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Zhou En lai. Nevertheless, It is a well kept secret that the Huey that emerged from prison was not the same Huey we had come to know and love on the street. At the time, we knew nothing about MK ULTRA, the brothers and sisters called what Brother Huey was going through in prison,  “Chinese Torture and Brainwashing.” What did we know? It was all classified top secret stuff. Huey was a strong brother. My Lord, we hoped and prayed that Brother Huey would overcome it. They wouldn’t let any of us get anywhere near him. I had a chance moment encounter with him at Los Angeles International Airport. We locked eyes and subliminally greeted each other. He remembered me, but s watcher suddenly rushed in to cover him. She wanted to know who I was as she tried to read me up and down. But, I just walked away as my wife dominated the conversation. She also had known Huey in the day. My first wife loved to talk.


Three years before this incredible international validation of Huey and BPP in China. It was just hours after April 4, 1968- the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King(the King of Peace) and almost every major city in America was going up in flames except Oakland, because the Panthers stood at the vanguard whether or not the city burned in insurrection.

I stood at the door at guard of the executive office at Panther headquarters in Oakland. Nobody was allowed under any circumstances to enter or disrupt what was going on behind that closed door. It was extremely secret, complicated, and sensitive stuff. But when Brother Bobby finally emerged from behind the door, he, personally, stopped at my desk for a moment, and gave me a cue of what was unfolding. From the expression on his face, it was a sign of relief. He said, “we worked so hard” and suffered so much to make it to this point in history. We were so very close to hammering out an agreement with some of America’s most influential people to make the Panthers a reality, and Huey and Bobby’s dream come truea global respected paramilitary political organization by a wide consensus of the people.


I had been there since its inception when I was no more than a piece of moist clay being molded into shape. I didn’t know much of anything about anything. As the old folks say, “I didn’t know my ass from a hole in the ground.” Just after the Black Panther Party for Self Defense formed in October 1966, I was approached by a black government undercover agent that tried to influence me to take mold and shape someplace outside the BPP.

Bobby had been thoroughly psychologically profiled for high top secret military and NASA security clearances while  in the U.S. Air Force. From the jest of what he told me, the government had plans to kill Huey outright, then turn Bobby upside down, because they knew how to break him down. The BPP wasn’t going anywhere, and I would be left out in the cold. I had become aware of the danger. And yes, I was afraid. I was so young and wanted so much to live. But, I decided to rise or fall with Brothers Huey, Bobby, and the BPP for the Love of the People. I had that Dream for the World that even the threat of death could not crush.

Before they turned Brother Bobby inside out, he was a most remarkable human being. He was a rare intellectual genius, and an extraordinary visionary. He had a vision for the liberation of the people, and the BPP that he often shared with me. Some of the brightest, Black, White and Yellow, minds in America and abroad began to gravitate toward the center of the BPP. All the pieces that he and Huey had dreamed of were beginning to fall into place. The BPP  that I shared the vision of was slowly taking shape.


Behind the door with Bobby was the globally loved, courageous, respected and influential Marlon Brando. He was like the very quiet inner conscious and soul of the entire entertainment industry. As an actor, I had loved a Brando performance. He had the virtual inner keys to Hollywood that shaped and controlled the narratives and images around the world. Bobby was always concerned about the BPP image from the very beginning. He always stressed that we grow from our “Image” and that image must be consistently fair, just, courageous, “Clean and Professional”.

But our growing global image made the BPP even more dangerous than before to the Shadow Government. You see. In the aftermath of the cold blood slaughter of the King of Peace by forces of the Shadow Government, some very extremely influential and powerful people in America that weren’t Black were ready to come forth globally to support the transformation of the BPP into a form of a paramilitary-political organization for the Love of ALL THE PEOPLE in America.

However, the plans and negotiations had been infiltrated by COINTELPRO and Project CHAOS. I was supposed to be buried or imprisoned and silenced with that knowledge two days later on April 6, 1968 in the Shadow Government’s clandestine Strategy of Tension military-police operation that murdered Little Bobby Hutton in cold blood. Again, it was the false narrative and story line that we tried to ambush police officers that resulted in a fire fight. Exposed. People were intimidated, threatened and forced to back away from the plan. No matter what anyone says otherwise, the order passed down thru the ranks from the top in the aftermath of the Assassination of the Beloved Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I, personally, communicated to everybody from Panther headquarters even if they weren’t PANTHERS was STAND DOWN!

I don’t believe that Super Bowl 50th was very successful in RE-IMAGING the Panthers as Bogeymen “Cop Killers” to scare the masses. The Big Picture was clearly understood around the world that the BPP was bigger than that. The masses loved Brother Huey, and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. 50 years later, Super Bowl 50 taught me one thing, the LOVE for the Party is still there.


SUPER BOWL 51 (5+1=6) & the HEXAD



At Super Bowl 51, the ILLUMINATI will come for your SOUL by the Masonic Third and Final Rite of ACCEPTANCE.

“The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.”– Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States)cosmos and the whole period of Sandhya.”


NICOMACHUS calls it “the form of form, the only number adapted to the Soul, the distinct union of the parts of the universe, the fabricator of the Soul, also Harmony,” and it is properly “Venus” herself.On the 6th day Man was created according to Genesis. On the 6th day of the week Jesus died on the cross.

Six and Druids

The Druids had a mysterious religious preference for the number 6. They went 6 together to gather the sacred mistletoe, and in monuments and plates now extant we often find 6 of their priests grouped together. They performed their principal ceremonies on the 6th day of the moon, and on the 6th day of the moon began their year.

Six and Star of David

Six is a graphical representation of a six-pointed star – a hexagram, also known as the Star of David, Solomon’s seal, the symbol of the Androgyne, the sign of Vishnu. It consists of two interpenetrating and mirror each other triangles.year.

Six and Swastika

The Infamous Satanist Madame Blavatsky pointed to the mystical connection that exists between the six and the swastika – a symbol, present in different cultures and traditions: “Not only the world of characters that are so full of true occult value as the Swastika. It is symbolized by the number 6. Like this figure, in my particular view, it shows, as well as ideographs and numbers on the Zenith and Nadir, on the North, South, East and West, and the unit is found throughout this unit is reflected in each and every unit. This is the emblem of the Fohat, constant rotation of the “wheel” and the Four Elements, “Sacred Four” in their mystical, and not just in one of their cosmic significance, then its four arms bent at right angles, are closely related, as shown in another place, with weights of Pythagoras and Hermes.


The other day, the news became unbearable again. Syria is going to hell in a hand basket. War and violence is spreading across Yemen, Libya, and North Africa. Haiti is in shambles again from Hurricane Matthew. Much of the country’s south also lies flood damaged from hurricane.

With the presidential election looming within days, the top of the news and issues surrounding the election has been reduced to republican candidate Donald (Drumpf) Trump groping women, and democratic candidate Hilary Clinton’s ill, health, corruption, emails, collusion, and greed. Her husband, Bill Clinton grope and rape women. The corporate mass media news networks rush off in that direction. People just haven’t seen anything so shameful like this before in a U.S. presidential election.

It got too much for me. I had to turn the news off. Yet, I still couldn’t rest. I was troubled in heart, mind, spirit and soul, again. Something is wrong. America has it problems, but it’s better than this. Drumpf’ presidency isn’t just a flute. His candidacy is the result of a conscience of some clandestine power group and force- THE JESUITS.

While the Cyborg PresidentBarack Obama, has held the White House for 8 years getting his freak on, Irish and Scots have been quietly moved into all the top jobs of U.S. Global Strategy and Power. Obama’s senior national-security team has included Irish and Scots, Tom Donilon as national security adviser, John Brennan at the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), Chuck Hagel as U.S. Secretary of Defense; General Martin Dempsey as Joint Chiefs chairman; and Denis McDonough as White House Chief of Staff. The Irish and Scots include U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerryan honorary Irish-American because of his last name, Catholic upbringing, and his Massachusetts political base as a senator.


Samantha Power & the Jesuit Priest

It also includes the U.N. Ambassador’s job Samantha Power (who was actually born in Ireland).  She is the US Permanent Representative to the U.N. and thus a senior spokeswoman for the world’s greatest military power and the backbone of NATO in Europe. She began her climb to power from a Roman Catholic convent school in South Dublin, Ireland.


In the Spring of 2011, Power had a seat on the U.S. National Security Council (NSC). She sent emails to top Pentagon officials that contained GPS coordinates in Libya.  She demanded that the Pentagon launch immediate air strikes on top of these coordinates, no questions asked. She is the proponent of the overall failing U.S. policies and strategies in Syria, Ukraine, and Africa. What is this foreign born Aggressor, War Criminal- a DRUID High Priestess?


She is married to a Rothschild Zionist that was once called the most dangerous man in America, Cass Sunstein, that is a story in itself.


On May 17, 2016, the U.S. Senate confirmed Obama’s nomination of Eric Kenneth Fanning as the U.S. Secretary of the Army, the largest branch of the military. Fanning (Irish surname) is the first openly gay head of any service in the U.S. military.

All of these people just don’t seem to be worried about going anyplace no matter who the president will be, and they very well should be. This country’s failing U.S. Foreign Policy or the U.S. Global Strategy and Power isn’t even on the presidential table for discussion.


Michael Richard Pence, the Republican Party’s 2016 nominee for Vice President of the United States, has served as Governor of Indiana, since January 14, 2013. He is was raised Roman Catholic. He is 81.25% Irish. He is a Goat Rider for the secret society Pro-Catholic   Phi Gamma Delta.  It appears that they are secretly initiated into the first three rites (degrees) of the Masonic Scottish Rite.


The Fraternity’s original badge was the DEVIL’S DIAMOND and WHITE STAR– secret Masonic Symbols.


Creepy Kaine & the Jesuit Order

Timothy Michael Kaine, the Democratic Party’s 2016 nominee for Vice President of the United States, served as a U.S. Senator from Virginia, since January 3, 2013. He is 81.25% Irish,18.75% Scottish. He also has been identified as a Roman Catholic. He attended an all boys Jesuit High School in Kansas City, MO.  Kaine is a Jesuit Priest. It is more probable than not that he worked as a Jesuit Missionary with the CIA in Honduras during 1980s during the ambassadorship of John Dimitris Negroponte.   In 1995, Gary Cohn and Ginger Thompson of The Baltimore Sun unearthed massive and substantiated evidence from various sources pointing the finger at Negroponte’s knowledge of the crimes against humanity. The reporters found that hundreds of Hondurans “were kidnapped, tortured and killed in the 1980s by a secret army unit trained and supported by the CIA. Reliable evidence from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Honduras alleged that Negroponte, the death squad commandante, oversaw the expansion of U.S training camp and military base on Honduran territory, where US-trained Contras terrorists, and where the military secretly detained, tortured and executed Honduran suspected dissidents. Honduras was a CIA killing ground, and international  drug trafficking industry.


Tim Kaine in the Killing Field, Honduras 

Honduras was also a haven for pedophiles, pedophile rings and sacrificial children victims for the Ninth Satanic Circle. In Honduras, Creepy Kaine befriended teenage boys for the VATICAN.


As you should already be aware of, Donald (Drumpf) Trump is 50/50 German and Scottish. In May or June, 2016, General Dunford presented Drumpf with an award from the Marine Corps- LAW ENFORCEMENT FOUNDATION. It’s not just because of the money- $1 million donation. It’s about the networks and tentacles of the OCTOPUS. No matter who is elected President and Vice President of United States, nothing will change because the Jesuit Priest U.S. Republic President General Joseph Frances DunfordPentagon and the ARMY OF GOD WILL BE IN CHARGE.


LADY GAGA, the Whore of Babylon,  General Dunford, ILLUMINATI, and Jesuit Order will headline her at half time of Super Bowl 51WARNING–  DON’T ACCEPT IT AND DO NOT WATCH IT. IT IS THE MASONIC THIRD RITE.