16 04 2017




Many people are asking the Drumpf Administration. What is your overall endgame diplomatic, military or political strategy by dropping a $16 million- 30  foot long  “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)” on a bunch of so-called desert Isis combatants in the mountains of Afghanistan? By the way. What did they do- blow up half of Washington DC then took a slow boat back to Afghanistan? Drumpf says that he won’t answer the question. However, take your clues from the White House, Little GoebbelsSean Spicer just before the bombing.

aaaaamoadnazipartyOut of the blue, Little Goebbels told the BIG LIE to the White House national press corps that Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons of mass destruction on his OWN PEOPLE.


Just so it is crystal clear in everybody’s mind as to what Little Goebbels was saying about Hitler, who were Hitler’s people? Basically, Hitler argued that the blue-eye, blond Aryan German race was superior to all others. It wasn’t quite a departure from other white superiority notions. Apparently, HollyWeird believe that blue-eye, blond white superiority went back to at least 10,000 BC.


Hitler was obsessed with ‘racial purity’. He used the word ‘Aryan‘ to describe his idea of a ‘pure German race’ or “Herrenvolk”. The Aryan race had a duty to control the world. The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most “pure blood” of all the people on earth. Non-Aryans weren’t Hitler’s people. Hitler and the Nazis called non- Aryans  the Untermensch, the semi- human, sub-human, impure and the EVIL. A league table of “races” was created with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These “inferior” people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation.

Hitler’s Thule Society Mentor, Notorious Satanic Occultist Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess

At a mass meeting in 1934, Nazi Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess stated, “National Socialism is nothing but applied biology.” As early as the publication of Mein Kampf (1924-26), “Hitler had declared the sacred racial mission of the German people to be ‘assembling and preserving the most valuable stocks of basic racial elements [and]… slowly and severely raising them to a dominant position’...” So, according to the guide of Little Goebbels, the people of  the mountains of Afghanistan weren’t their people.


Don’t like it- “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche“, LET THEM EAT CAKE!


Right now, all across America and the world, people are talking about the “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)” like its butter spread across a piece of toast. It is being tossed around our breakfast table as easy as the day’s weather. Well, Little Goebbels didn’t misspeak the other day when he glorified Adolf Hitler as a WWII humanitarian that didn’t use chemical “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)” on his own people, and called Nazi-SS concentration camps “holocaust centers.” Hitler did resist using WMD’s on his own people- Anglo/Aryan Europeans and their American and British cousins. Concentration camps were holocaust (KILLING) centers.


And it seems that I also didn’t misspeak when I talked about the Nazi/SS fiend, Dr. Dr. Kurt Blome, and the “Mother of All Chemical Weapons.”


Today, I will introduce you to yet another Operation PAPERCLIP Nazi/SS fiend and his “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)” that Little Goebbels said that Hitler resisted using on his own people. It’s SS-Oberscharführer (Nazi senior squad leader) Dr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr. SS Zippermayr is a still a top secret and suppressed history of the “Zero Point Energy Wonder Weapons” developed by the Knights of the Black Sun and Brotherhood of the Bell. 

Zero-point energy (ZPE) or ground state energy is the lowest possible energy that quantum mechanical system may have, i.e. it is the energy of the system’s ground state. Zero-point energy can have several different types of context, e.g. it may be the energy associated with the ground state of an atom, a subatomic particle or even the quantum vacuum itself. Dr. Zippermayre developed a secret atom vacuum bomb  “Death in the Air” for every plant, tree, bug, animal and the Untermenschen caught within its breath. 


That buttery spread, MOAB, that you have come to enjoy the taste of is actually the glorification of the Luciferian Workshop of Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler, and Dr. Zippermayr. When U.S. Army Counterintelligence officers were introduced to his works in August 1945 in Salzburg, Austria, Zippermayr’s MOAB was so wicked, bizarre and outlandish that they called it, the WITCH’S CAULDRON.

On that day that Little Goebbels talked about Hitler and holocaust centers, he was gloating in sheer arrogance of what the White House had planned to use in Afghanistan  just like the Fuehrer and the SS secretly used on the Russians on the eastern front during WW IICorporate mass media news, white house, pentagon, and congresspersons will not tell you the truth about “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB).” True, it isn’t necessarily called a nuclear bomb. However, you can call it a “race (Untermensch Non Aryan) mass murder weapon” that’s the next best thing to an ATOMIC BOMB!

SS Zippermayr’s MOAB is a classified top secretWunderwaffe” for “Wonder Weapon“. Wunderwaffe was a term assigned during WWII by the Nazi German propaganda ministry (Josef Goebbels) to a few revolutionary Nazi-SS “Superweapons“.[1]


Hermann Wilhelm Göring (or Goerin)

President of the Reichstag and Vice Chancellor of Nazi Germany

The SS MOAB is a high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX) undertaken by the President of the Reichstag, Herman Goering, the German Luftwaffe, and SS Dr. Zippermayr.[2] Dr. Zippermayr was a coal dust explosive expert. He was a member of the Nazi Party, and joined the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) in 1933.[3] Dr. Zippermayr constructed both a huge “Wirbelwind Kanone” (Whirlwind Cannon) and “Turbulenz Kanone” (Vortex Cannon). Both had the same goal – to knock down enemy bombers through clever manipulation of air.[4]


The Whirlwind Bomb produced an artificial “hurricane of fire” developed and tested by Dr. Zippermayr at Lofer, an experimental Luftwaffe Institute in the Tyrol. The explosive was pulverized coal dust and liquid air. Its effect was sufficient to create an artificial typhoon and was intended initially as an anti-aircraft weapon able to destroy aircraft by excessive turbulence. The effective radius of action was “914 metres…” less than a mile. From a declassified US Intelligence document of the Salzburg Detachment of the US Forces Austria Counter-Intelligence Corps, Dr. Zippermayr was interrogated at Lofer on August 3, 1945. Dr. Zippermayr worked on three projects of which one was the Enzian/Schmetterling anti-aircraft rockets “charged with a coal dust explosive so strong that the concussion could break the wings of a bomber“. This item “was proved successful by August 1943, but orders for its production were not issued until March 9, 1945…”[5]


In addition to the Whirlwind Gun, an extract from BIOS (British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee) report states that during 1944, an explosive mixture of 60% liquid air and 40% finely powdered coal dust invented by Dr. Zippermayr was secretly tested at Döberitz explosives ground near Berlin, and was found to be very destructive over a radius of up to 600 metres.[6] Waffen-SS scientists added some kind of waxy substance to Zippermayr’s explosive. The bombs had to be filled immediately prior to the aircraft taking off. Bombs of 25 (55 pounds) and 50 kgs (110 pounds) were dropped on Starnberger. The city of Starnberg is in Bavaria, Germany, some 19 miles south-west of Munich.[7]

Photos of the destruction were taken by SS Standartenführer Dr Alfred Klemm and to Rudolf Brandt (Himmler’s Personal Administrative Officer). The intensive explosion covered an area 4 to 4.5 km (about 2 miles) radius, and the explosion was still felt on a radius 12.5 km (almost 8 miles). When the bomb was dropped on an airfield, much destruction was caused 12 km (about 8 miles) away, and all the trees on a hillside 5 to 6 km (almost 4 miles) away were flat. On a radius of 12.5 km. (about 8 miles) only the tops of the trees were destroyed.[8] The nuclear weapon detonated at Ohrdruf in March 1945 was an adaptation of Dr Ing Mario Zippermayr’s coal dust/liquid oxygen bomb for the SS as part of Operation Hexenkessel. SS Standartenfuhrer Dr. Klemm added radioactive isotopes to Zippermayer’s bomb which increased its previous blast radius by factor of ten or more. The isotopes appear to be added included Uranium dust and a pinkish waxy liquid.[9]

The SS took Zippermayr’s coal dust shells and added a reagent to the mix which could have been a Nazi Super Bomb equal in devastation to the Atomic Bomb. The reagent, mixed with LOX and coal dust would create both an initial firestorm and then a freak lightning storm at ground level. This would consume all the air and burn everything, people and all matter in a 4.5 km (almost 3 miles) radius.[10]

The Ohrdruf military training area is alleged to have been ran as a concentration camp by the Nazi SS. In other words, the Ohrdruf nuclear test may have involved human test victims. Ohrdruf, located in the south-eastern state of Thuringia, was a Soviet military base after World War II.[11]


SS Standartenführer Klemm, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry

On January 2, 1947, SS Standartenführer Klemm was listed as one of the 1,600 Austrian and German of the U.S. Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (Operation PAPERCLIP) that secretly helped to develop America’s nuclear and atomic bomb.[12] However, Dr. Zippermayr remained deep-deep cover- Top Secret.

Zippermayr’s bombs caused a truly massive area of devastation caused by the relatively small 50 to 110 pound fuel-air bombs. Make the bomb larger, the area of devastation increases. Zippermayr had a similar insight to Dr. Karl Nowak’smolecular bomb“: compression of material and then rapid dispersion over an area prior to detonation. This is only one step short of a modern fuel air bomb with its chain molecules and electrical, instantaneous, rather than slower chemical, detonation.

The idea of a “Superbomb” was first patented prior to WWII in Austria, and a modification of the idea was patented in Germany in 1943. Its inventor, Dr. Karl Nowak, explained the reason for his invention as being to create a superbomb without the radioactive fallout effects that were evident from atomic and thermonuclear explosions. In other words, the NazisSS were already looking past the thermonuclear age toward the creation of second and third generation weapons systems that would give the same offensive and strategic “punch” but without the side effects. Basically, the SS idea was to create a state of matter in which, through ultra-low temperatures approaching absolute zero, matter would be super-compressed. The idea was then to detonate this material, subjecting it to sudden stress and heat, to create a sudden and massive expansion and explosion, and therewith, an enormous, H-bomb sized blast. Thus, there may have been a basis in actual German secret research for the incredible claim of the Japanese military attaché in Stockholm’s 1943 report to Tokyo that the Germans were investigating the properties of super-dense matter for weaponization.[13]

A declassified report by the National Security Agency (NSA) in 1978 entitled simply “Reports on the Atom-Splitting Bomb” covered a Japanese intelligence report that was firmly convinced that the Nazis had used a revolutionary type of weapon on the Eastern Front against the Russians as early as 1943.

This bomb is revolutionary in its results, and it will completely upset all ordinary precepts of warfare hitherto established. I am sending you, in one group, all those reports on what is called the atom-splitting bomb: It is a fact that in June of 1943 the German Army tried out an utterly new type of weapon against the Russians at a location 150 kilometers southeast of Kursk. Although it was the entire 19th Infantry Regiment of the Russians which was thus attacked, only a few bombs (each round up to 5 kilograms) sufficed to utterly wipe them out to the last man.”[14]


SS Hans Kammler & SS-1 Himmler

So in other words, regardless of whether or not the Nazis actually detonated atom bombs during WWII, they did have a secret weapon of mass destruction as powerful as an atom bomb, and one that did not have radioactive side effects and fingerprints. It is also to be noted that Zippermayr’s bomb tests took place under the direct auspices and at the very least a triple ring of security and secrecy of the SS, and Himmler’s representative. Nazi Germany’s secret Fuel-air bomb weapons were firmly developed within the ring of the secret Masonic/Satanic “blood covenant of death“, and arranged absolute jurisdiction and control of Hitler, Himmler, Bormann, and Obergruppenführer and General de Waffen-SS Hans (Heinz) Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler’s “think tank” and arsenal of Wunderwaffe weapons, technology, and SS  secret ancient Satanic/Alchemy witch expertise. The SS’  secret Wunderwaffe weapons and technology were used as bargaining chips with their wicked Anglo cousins- American, British and western forces to protect and shield them from arrest, prosecution, and execution for mass racial murder, war aggression, and crimes against humanity.

SS Kammler & Vril Maiden Maria Orsic

After May 1945 and the Fall of Nazi Germany,  Hitler, Himmler, SS Obergruppenführer Kammler, Maria Orsic and the Vril Maidens were remarkably disappeared, and literally erased from WW II history.


 Baron Otto von Bolschwing- Powerful Old Prussian Teutonic Knight Peer

One more important note, SS Zippermayr’s U.S. secret U.S. military recruitment was arranged, signed and delivered pawn through the Nazi-SS counterintelligence network of SS Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto Albert Alfred von Bolschwing. SS Bolschwing was one of Himmler’s most  aristocratic elite Prussian/German Teutonic knights, and clandestine SS and SD agents. After WW II, Baron Bolschwing became one of the U.S. military and government’s most aristocratic German elite, senior, trusted, powerful and clandestine Nazi-SS agents.

An Austrian report noted Bolschwing’s rather unique and most remarkable affiliation and infiltration of the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps “CC” in Salzburg, and that he did not undergo denazification because he claimed to have been a “LYING” active underground anti-Nazi fighter of the  Austrian Tyro Mountain Underground. Nevertheless, Baron Bolschwing was a  dedicated and fervent secret Nazi-SS “Werewolf”Bolschwing received certificates and clearances from various American units in Austria, including the 71st and 410th Infantry Regiments for service as early as the summer of 1945SS Bolschwing later stated that he worked with the U.S. Army’s 44th Infantry Division from April through June 1945; the 103rd Infantry Division in July and August 1945; the 84th Infantry Division until December 1945; and finally with Third US Army Intelligence through December 1946. In the Gehlen SS Spy Org, he was Chief of Base, and the Chief of Mission to Salzburg.[15]


What he did in America and California under former Bohemian Grove Governor and President Ronald Reagan, U.S. military, FBI and CIA from 1953 to 1981 when he allegedly died is U.S. National Security Top SecretDr. Zippermayr did all the theoritical as well as practical work in developing the SS fuel air weapon. It was an explosion which could be as large as one mile in diameter. Remarkably, Zippermayr’s works were kept top secret until the late 1970s and even until 1999 in which (Forschung) appealed to the Army and USAF on a FOIA request and got five files on Zippermayr. According to Forschung, the US military Intelligence invented a whole technology as a cover-story for Zippermayr. They invented the vortex cannon to mask Zippermayr’s work at Lofter, Tyrol, and their interest in it and him. The Vortex Cannon never existed at all. The fuel-air bomb is still feared today. “This is a classic example of a US cover-up and undervaluation“. [16]


The U.S. military fuel air (FAE)  MOAB is formally known as GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Blast, a giant 21,600 pound bombshell filled with Composition H-6, a military explosive and an unknown Witches’ Brew ( My pure unsubstantiated speculation of DEVIL, DEMON AND WITCHES’ DEFECATION AND PISS), TNT, RDX explosive, nitrocelluose explosive, and a few other ingredients to make an explosive roughly one and a third times as powerful as TNT.

The U.S. military MOAB has an explosive force of 11 tons of TNT and has a one-mile blast radius. It’s so large it can’t be “dropped” in the way you imagine a bomb is dropped; instead it has to be shoved out of a plane at high altitude and parachuted towards its target with satellite guidance.

The U.S. military MOAB isn’t intended to hit the ground and explode. Instead, it’s what’s called a thermobaric weapon. It uses oxygen from the surrounding air to set off the blast, and the result is an explosive with an exceptionally long blast wave. It’s sometimes also called a “vacuum bomb” because the reaction sucks all the oxygen out of the surrounding air. If you’re inside a building, the blast wave “bounces” and is even more amplified, killing everyone inside and destroying the structure. A Defense Department study from 1993, obtained by Human Rights Watch, paints an ugly picture of this bomb going off:

What kills is the pressure wave, and more importantly, the subsequent rarefaction [vacuum], which ruptures the lungs…. If the fuel deflagrates but does not detonate, victims will be severely burned and will probably also inhale the burning fuel. Since the most common FAE [high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX)] fuels, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, are highly toxic, undetonated FAE should prove as lethal to personnel caught within the cloud as most ‘chemical agents’.”[17]

If this sounds like Dr. Zippermayr’s top secret SS Wunderwaffe mass destruction weapon, that is exactly what it is. In 1944, the Nazis used Zippermayr’s Bomb in the eastern theater in its aggression and war crimes against the Russians, but had apparently refrained from using them on its Anglo Western Allies. In response to Zippermayr’s Bomb, the Russians said that they would be justified to use poison-gas in defense.[18] So, does that mean that America’s enemies in Afghanistan would be justified in regards to a giant Nazi fuel air “atomic bomb” being dropped on them use poison-gas in return on America and its troops? President select Donald J. Drumpf and its nest of  pentagon and White House dens of chicken war hawks need to thread very lightly with its arsenal of top secret Luciferian  SS Wunderwaffe weapons of mass murder and environmental destruction.

Contrary to corporate mass media news and the pentagon’s widespread propaganda BIG LIES,  the Nangarhar Province in Afghanistan where the MOAB was dropped is an inhabited area where the Afghan people have suffered far enough from aggression, wars, hunger. destruction and violence.  The MOAB is an indiscriminate weapon of mass human and environmental destruction that kills everything-all living matter within its fiery breath.  There was no strategic military necessity or urgency to drop an “atomic bomb” on the Afghan people.  It was used criminally, viciously and wickedly to drive the humble masses of color from their ancestral lands of happiness, peace and security, and implant great subliminal fear of the Aryan and Anglo in their hearts from the Lunatic and Luciferian Fringe of the U.S. government and White House’s “DEATH IN THE AIR“. I firmly stand with those that demand  the limits of justice against the war crimes aggressors, and racial mass murderers. And I also condemn this action as GENOCIDE, a WAR CRIME, and CRIME AGAINST DEMOCRACY, AND HUMANITY.







[6] Id.











