5 12 2009

Maurice Clemmons, Black Manchurian Candidate Implanted with a Jesus Christ Persona

Maurice Clemmons has all the earmarks of a classic Black Manchurian Candidate who just happened to slip through all the cracks in law like so many other governmental agent provocateurs and assassins. According to research, most Black Manchurian Candidates are individuals with created dissociative identity disorders that fall within the following five criteria:

1. Dissociate identity disorder created deliberately. Candidate usual has had contact with OSS, CIA, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MK-ULTRA controllers or institutions or Military intelligence controllers or institutions, and prisons. Candidate’s contact may have been created through bloodlines, military recruitment, enlistment, imprisonment, or civilian employee of military institutions.

2. A new identity is implanted which includes multiple personalities. Candidate has sudden appearance of an unknown operative personality, or new behavior involving senseless and uncharacteristic violence.

3. Amnesia barriers are created. Candidate has had memory loss proximate, and during a specific operation.

4. Used in simulated or actual operations. Candidate carried out an operative or assassination, and killing(s) may have occurred during or close to national or state elections, or involved political, religious groups or figures.

5. Disposal after operation.  Candidate is killed or has had judge, or severely compromised jury trial, or guilty pleaded, declared insane or found suitable for commitment to mental institution, confined to solitary confinement in state or federal prison with restricted visitation with little or no access to inmate populations.

The Black Manchurian Candidate Criteria was expanded from the groundbreaking work of Colin A. Ross, M.D. in the operational use of multiple personality disorders by U.S. military and intelligence agencies.  [1]  So far Maurice Clemmons has substantially met at least 4 of 5 criterions for a Black Manchurian Candidate. 

First Criterion: MK ULTRA Institution Connection with CANDIDATE

1. Military Intelligence Assassin & Special Operation Bases

Fort Lewis U.S. Army Base, Tacoma, Washington

First Earth Battalion (FEB) is a blend of Psi (psychokinesis, etc) and mind control out of Fort Lewis, Tacoma, Washington. FEB is an advanced version of the assassins created at the U.S. Naval Hospital Neuropsychiatric Laboratory in San Diego in the late 1970’s, which were replications of the CIA’s 1954 Artichoke project. [2]

McChord Air Force Base, Tacoma/Lakeland, Washington 

Clemmons traveled almost 40 miles outside of Seattle to Tacoma-Lakeland, Washington to just happen to find 4 Lakeland/Parkland officers busy working on computers at a remote coffee shop; and just happened to kill all of them. Lakeland is a suburb of Tacoma.

McChord is a United States Air Force base in Pierce County, Washington of particular dubious military intelligence distinction. It is located adjacent to Lakewood where Clemmons allegedly killed the officers. It is about one mile south of Tacoma and 40 miles south of Seattle. It was named in honor of Colonel William Caldwell McChord, former Chief of the Training and Operations Division in HQ Army Air Corps.

2. McChord Air Force Base & Operation Northwoods: The Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

In 1986, a military training manual was found in a surplus copy machine from McChord entitled, The Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (SWFQW). It was a politically biased technical instruction manual on how to justify, and how to selectively survive, human animal husbandry before the need for animal husbandry becomes unstably critical.[3] 

The document proposed that the military industrial complex “race ahead of society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation. To predict when the herd would be ready to surrender their humanity to the psychopathic dictatorship.” [4] 

“SWFQW was a study in human nature; of motivation, psychological impulse and momentum, and force of habit; of control of social energy by influence, suggestion, and hypnosis; of the use of sociopathic processes to induce paranoid behavior; and so on.” [5]

SWFQW is a blueprint and training manual for a governmental illegal covert National Security Council (NSC) domestic psychological warfare operation called; Operation Northwoods, [6] being developed out of McChord.

3. McChord Air Force Base & HAARP

“For four months, the Kuykendalls, the Prices and the McKays say, they’ve been harassed and threatened by mysterious cell phone stalkers who track their every move and occasionally lurk by their homes late at night, screaming and banging on walls.

Police can’t seem to stop them. The late-night visitors vanish before officers arrive. The families say investigators have a hard time believing the stalkers can control cell phones without touching them and suspect an elaborate hoax. Complaints to their phone companies do no good – the families say they’ve been told what the stalkers are doing is impossible.

It doesn’t feel impossible to Heather Kuykendall and her sister, Darci Price, who’ve saved and recorded scores of threatening voice mails, uttered in throaty, juvenile rasps stolen from bad horror films.

Price and Kuykendall have given the callers a name: “Restricted.” That’s the word that shows up on their caller ID windows: on the land lines at home, and on every one of their cell phones.

Their messages, left at all hours, threaten death – to the families, their children and their pets.”  [7]

Richard Price, a member of one of the affected families, is an officer at McChord Air Force Base. [8] A cell phone that can seemingly endlessly stalk and harass victims dementedly with screams, annoying noises, voices and threats are all U.S. Air Force HAARP known electronic magnetic (psychological warfare) technologies.[9]  For an excellent primer on HAARP see Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory on HAARP, Tru TV. [10] 

4. McChord Air Force Base & the MK ULTRA Racial Killer

Buford O. Neal Furrow, Jr. is a bloodline of a U.S. Army veteran and McChord Air Force Base decade’s old employee. On August 10, 1999, he traveled to Los Angeles with about $5,000 without any visible means of support to find a prostitute. Furrow had been in and out of mental institutions, including Western State Psychiatric Hospital, and had pass associations with Aryan Nations.

After allegedly failing to find a prostitute, he was suddenly triggered. In Granada Hills, Furrow shot a receptionist, a teenage counselor and three children at the North Valley Jewish Community Center. Furrow then held a Korean woman at gunpoint before commandeering her green Toyota Corolla. He drove around and allegedly killed a Filipino American postman. Twenty-two hours later, after he paid a Los Angeles cabby $800 to drive him to Las Vegas, he calmly walked into an FBI office and gave up.

Furrow had a National Security Council (NSC) e-mail address at McChord Air Force Base that was deleted a day after his arrest: NSC-McChord@DDN-CONUS.DDN.MIL [11]

Furrow was an out of control MK-ULTRA sleeper zombie experiment from a National Security Council group at McChord Air Force Base that may have been accidently and suddenly triggered before his tracks could be veiled. 

5. Ft. Lewis, McChord, Furrow and the Assassination of Sharlona White

Sharlona White, 33, had access to both military bases Ft. Lewis and McChord as a vendor of clothing and jewelry. Apparently, she had access to some information regarding the goings on at the bases or Western State Psychiatric Hospital.

On July 22, 2009, she was gunned down inside Ft. Lewis by Lafayette C. Meminger, 59, of Lakewood. Meminger had been Sharlona’s boyfriend at one time, but allegedly became obsessed with a breakup.

Meminger was a U.S. Army veteran (Sergeant First Class E7). It would be interesting to know if he was out of Ft. Lewis, too. Meminger also had been a security guard at Western State Psychiatric Hospital where Furrow had been interned. How Meminger cleared security at Ft. Lewis armed with a hand gun is a mystery. [12] The military police said that Meminger turned the gun on himself and shot himself in the head. Witnesses stated that during the murder/suicide incident that there were at least 5 and at most 7 shots fired in rapid succession as if there had a fire fight. It sounds like an overkill; Sharlona and Meminger and any secrets that they may have had weren’t supposed to survive.

Second Criterion: An Implanted New Identity in CANDIDATE

Maurice Clemmons & The Jesus Christ Persona

In June 2009, without any visible means of support, Maurice Clemmons and at least one other mind controlled individual traveled to New York to join Cyber-Prophet Bernard Jordan for his 50th Birthday Banquet. [13]

In a bizarre scene, an unidentified bemused and mystified individual with a faraway look associated with Clemmons told Prophet Jordan directly that Clemmons was Jesus Christ. Clemmons transformation to Jesus Christ appeared to have happened suddenly without explanation. [14]

Who paid for these bewildered individuals to travel to New York with hotel accommodations? During registration for the banquet, Prophet Jordan asked Clemmons how he found out about the affair; Clemmons’ responded that “God Told Me.”[15] U. S. Air Force HAARP electro magnetic technologies have the capability to place voices in minds.

Third Criterion: CANDIDATE’S Created Amnesia Barriers  

It is absolutely bizarre the way that police described Clemmons’ liquidation. It was as if Clemmons acted as if he wasn’t pursued for capital murder of four police officers. Darcus Allen, 38, Clemmons’ alleged get-away driver, told the judge at his arraignment that he didn’t know why he was in court. [16] It will interesting if Allen maintains an amnesia barrier defense to the charges of being a accomplice to the murders.

According to police accounts, Seattle Traffic Officer Benjamin L. Kelly, spotted an abandoned car with its hood up and found the car had been reported stolen. As the officer sat in his patrol car doing paperwork on the stolen car, he noticed a man was approaching the driver’s side of the patrol car from behind. At dead of night at 2:45 a.m. in the morning, Kelly immediately recognized the man as matching the description of Clemmons and got out of his patrol car. He ordered the person to stop. He ordered the person to show his hands, that person would not show his hands, and also began to run away counterclockwise around the vehicle. The officer again told him to stop and he didn’t comply. He shot Clemmons dead. [17]

The police account defies common sense. Clemmons wanted for capital murder for 4 police officers instead of walking away from the stolen car and police officer casually strolled up to the officer and the car. The officer told Clemmons to show his hands instead put your hands in the air. Clemmons goes into a routine like out of a children’s playground game “Ring around the Roses (stolen car), the officer shot him dead.  

Clemmons behavior is not consistent with a wanted man. It is not consistent with a man that we are led to believe planned the successful “at random” ambush and killing of 4 lethally armed officers in bullet proof vests at least 40 miles away from his abode. If a man had the cunning and nerve to put off a daytime murder of 4 armed police offices, you would think that he had the common sense to avoid capture and getting shot dead playing “Ring around the Roses.” 

Does the police account make any more sense if as they say Clemmons was armed with one of the officer’s weapons? Just think about it. Clemmons had not only the skill and know how to kill 4 armed officers in bullet proof vests, but he had time, cunning and the utter coolness to disarm them too! An early account of the crime noted that they believed that there were at least two assailants, one black and the other white.

One of the officers that Clemmons allegedly killed was Stg. Mark Renninger. Renninger was a former Army Ranger trained out of Ft. Benning, GA. He was a nationally known SWAT team trainer. Stg. Renninger was also a Second Ranger Battalion veteran out of Ft. Lewis. [18]

Seattle Police Officer Benjamin L. Kelly, 39, is not a typical traffic patrol officer. Kelly is also an army veteran. It would be interesting to know if he is out of Ft. Lewis, too. Before joining the department in March 2005, Kelly was a special agent for the Washington State Gambling Commission. Earlier this year, a colleague nominated Kelly – whom fellow officers praised as a dedicated officer – for an award at the eighth annual Seattle Police Awards Banquet. [19] I wonder why?

Fourth Criterion: CANDIDATE Operative in Missions  

Some are suggesting that Clemmons was triggered to sabotage the political ambitions of Mike Huckabee, but it isn’t that simple. There is a much more sinister and fascist military intelligence objective behind Clemmons that is more consistent with the illegal domestic psychological warfare operations of Operation Northwoods and SWFQW.

The bottom line is that four white polices officers are senselessly slain and a crazed out of control black ex-felon fiend looms over their deaths. With the sensational and mass media appeal D.C. Sniper and Clemmons’ police killing incidents; the military industrial complex is conditioning the herd, people of the United States, to be ready to surrender their humanity to a psychopathic dictatorship like something out of Nazi Germany to protect them from Muslim and fiends of color.

 The Fifth Criterion: The Final Disposal of the CANDIDATE

The Fort Lewis, Tacoma-Seattle, Washington area has produced over 30 of some of America’s most prolific mass-serial murderers over the past decades, including the late John Allen Muhammad, The DC Sniper.

Some of the most notorious mass killers coming out of the Fort Lewis, Tacoma-Seattle were Harvy L. Carignan, The Want Ad Killer; James Dwight Canady; Warren Forrest; Navy enlistee Gary G. Grant; Ted Bundy; James Elledge; James Edward Ruzicka; The Phantom Sniper: Gary A. Taylor; William Batten; Robert Lee Yates Jr.; The Hillside Strangler: Kenneth Bianchi; Morris Frampton; Stanley Bernson; Lewiston Valley Killer: Identity unknown; The I-5 Killer: Randy Woodfield; Martin Lee Sanders; Coin Shop Killer: Charles Sinclair; and The .22 Caliber Killer: Identity unknown, Spokane. [20]

Clemmons is dead and he has no story to tell about Ft. Lewis, McChord or his mind control programming or the God that sent him to New York. Just like Lovelle Mixon of Oakland that even the OPD rank and file doesn’t believe that Mixon had the weapons, skill or opportunity to shoot four armed seasoned sergeants with bullet proof vests in the back, dead men tell no tells.

Oakland’s Mixon and now Seattle area Clemmons, the public perceptions are that they are the lowest of the low violent ex-felon career criminals and child rapists that should have been warehoused and worked to death just as if they were in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Dachau, Treblinka or even Jonestown.  

 Is it so hard to believe that Maurice Clemmons was one of these MK ULTRA “racial matters” experimental zombies like Furrow, John Allen (Williams) Muhammad programmed out of Fort Lewis Army Base and McChord Air Force Base by the NSC as a continuation of the Northwoods Project to foment national racial discord as a prelude to the people of the United States surrendering their humanity to a psychopathic dictatorship like something out of Nazi Germany to protect them from Muslim and fiends of color.?

Follow the money. Find out who Clemmons’ God was; and ask yourself “Who Benefits?”


[1] [1] Ross, Colin A., BLUEBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personalities by Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc. 1701 Gateway, Suite 349, Richardson, TX, 2000

[2] Watson, Peter, War of the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology, N.Y. Basic Books. 1978: Horrock, N. “CIA Documents Tell of 1954 Project to Create Involuntary Assassins.” NY Times, February 9, 1978


[4] Id.

[5] Id.



[8] Id.






[14] Id.

[15] Id.


[17] Id. At footnote 15


