10 01 2016

DRAKE, the False King of Hip Hop


The MOLOCHIANS, Odell Beckham, Jr. and ILLUMINATI Rapper Drake

The OWL is popularly associated with the Babylonian human sacrificial God Moloch and the Bohemian Grove. Throughout the generations, the Owl has not been associated with the God Moloch-Molech– a figure representing a BULL. Some believe that the association between the Owl and Moloch had been established by the disinformation or misinformation of Alex Jones.[1] Alex Jones, I don’t go there. Nevertheless, it could very well be used as a sacrificial altar like that of Moloch drawn to a type of secret scale and proportions to call forth one of the ancient Great Mother Earth Goddesses like Isis, Ishtar, Anat, Asherah, Aphrodite, Minerva, Venus, etc. that is represented by the OWL.[2]


Nonetheless, I wouldn’t take the Bohemians too lightly. These people are light years ahead of the general public in age old secret Satanic occult practices. They have access to information and documents that we may never see that support human sacrifices before an altar in the form of a 40 foot OWL by any name.


However, Drake recently admitted that his OWL Symbol was taken directly from a relief of Ancient Kemet- King Tutankhamun’s 18th Dynasty Great Temple to God Amun at Karnak.[3]


Drake and Beckham’s Omega (Ankh) and Pentagram (five pointed star) symbol is most definitely related to mysteries of secret societies. The Ankh, most identified with the mysteries of Kemet, is more than a symbol. It defies definition. It is still a mystery.  It is a paradigm with origins in South Africa that may date back a 100,000 years. It may be a key that represent the origin and creation of all life on earth.  Drake and Beckham’s uniform symbols are powerful, old and very deep. The  meaning of the pentagram inside the omega is less established than the OWL symbol.


The sign of the pentagram is magical. It is also called the sign of the Microcosm. It represents what the Cabbalist Rabbis of the book Zohar call the Microprosopos. The pentagram expresses the dominion of the Spirit over the elements of Nature. They claim command over the elemental creatures that inhabit the regions and elements of fire, air, water, and earth with this magical sign.[4] Their particular symbol most likely represent the attainment of an extraordinary  level of consciousness and power, or a key to an opening to a gateway or star gate.[5]


Make no mistake, Aubrey Drake Graham’s manipulation of ancient occult signs and symbols like the ankh, pentagram and owl is that of a Cabbalist. He is a Jew, not a black Jew, but a Jew that actively practices ancient Judaism.[6] Judaism traces its heritage to the covenant God made with Abraham and his lineage — that God would make them a sacred people and give them a holy land (Land of Canaan). Canaan was a colony of ancient Kush and Kemet.

“According to the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), when God called forth his people out of slavery in Egypt and back to the land of their forefathers, he directed them to kill all the Canaanite clans who were living in the land (Deut. 7.1-2; 20.16-18).  The destruction was to be complete: every man, woman, and child was to be killed.  The book of Joshua tells the story of Israel’s carrying out God’s command in city after city throughout Canaan.”[7]

The Judaism that formed in Palestine and Israel after the Canaanite Genocide consisted of various sects. Judaism’s Jewish heresy sects were the Sethians and Ophites (Sons of Set, Seth, Satan, Typhon)- Sons of the Serpent Cult.[8] Ophitism was the most important Jewish heresy to arrive in Palestine prior to Christ’s existence.[9]


The Judaic Sethian Ophites regarded Set-Seth as the Anointed One, the Messiah. ” … Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up? If anything, he was alluding to a fact of the Kabbalah, known to the Wise: that the Serpent = NaChaSh = 358 = MaShICh = Messiah.”[10] aaabeckhamowl1 Drake’s use of the Kemetic OWL is a secret Sethian Ophite Talisman stolen out of Kemet. However, I doubt it very seriously that Drake ever set foot in the sacred site of Karnack or studied any hieroglyphics to be able to isolate out of probably hundreds of thousands over thousands of years of Kemetic hieroglyphic characters to identify and single out the Kemetic OWL as his sole identity and emblem.


Drake, the false King of Hip Hop and Rap, is a schooled Cabbalist secretly financed, managed, supervised and supported by a team of eminent Judaic and biblical scholars, Cabbalists, CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH personnel, and Occult Bureau.


Singled out, the Owl is the Kemetic hieroglyphic for M.[11] Among the ILLUMINATI and Satanic Cults, the M is the secret symbol for MASONIC. From the time of recorded history, Set-Seth has always believed that he is the rightful heir to the Kingship of Kemet and the world, but for MAAT, Osiris, Isis, Horus, and the Goddess Neith.


 Odell Beckham, Jr. & Symbolic Occult Numbers, 33rd Degree at LSU, NO. 13 NY Giants

The NFL ILLUMINATI sensational wide receiver of the New York Giants, Odell Beckham, Jr., has been a good friend, close associate and an APOSTLE of Drake for a couple of years.[12] Among the Occult, 33 (thirty-Three) represents the ultimate attainment of CONSCIOUSNESS. Keep in mind that DAN of the Twelve (12) Tribes of Israel is part of the 13th Satanic Bloodlines- CULT OF SERPENTS.[13] Also, Mount Hermon at the 33rd Parallel North is also the place that the Tribe of Dan is believed to have mixed blood with the Fallen Angels-  “Seed of Serpents.” Mount Hermon and the Tribe of Dan is discussed further below.

Now, it is pretty well understood that the reason for Beckham snapping on the football field because of alleged “gay slurs” was an outright LIE. The “gay slurs” rationalization for his violent, wicked and schizoid behavior on the football field was conveyed primarily through mass media by former NFL ILLUMINATI black puppets and goons, Michael Irvin and Deion Sanders. Now, a veil of silence covers the Odell Beckham Incident like a plot and a “Hollywood-scripted mystery movie.”[14] I suspected all along that the NFL wouldn’t and couldn’t go there very long with the gay slur rationalization and Beckham. It would have opened PANDORA’S BOX.


Here, Beckham attempts to conceal a secret Freemason hand symbol of brotherhood of fidelity (hand to heart) with another Masonic secret hand symbol (hand to chin/neck). He must really believe that the public is stupid.


“A number of dictionaries of symbols state that the hand placed on the neck signifies sacrifice. Now sacrifice can have at least two meanings—one, the continuing threat of the penalties to be applied to punish those adepts and initiates who so impertinently reveal the secrets of the Order; and two, the willingness of the individual performing the sign to sacrifice himself for the good of the Order, or for the good of the cause or Great Work of the Illuminati.”Texe Marrs, Codex Magica [15]


Drake appears to belong to the secret Jewish Masonic Brotherhood of Darkness, where the Baphomet (PAN) rules as LORD.[16] If Beckham is a high level secret Freemason, and it appears that he is among the initiated, then that would certainly explain why his NFL Masonic and ILLUMINATI brothers would raise up to defend him, whether he was right or wrong.


By the way, Deion Sanders’ once prominent and beautiful wife and loving mother of his children, Pilar Biggers-Sanders, has been driven virtually insane. In a highly hot and consentaneous dissolution matter, she had exposed the NFLdarling” as being egotistical, controlling, physical and mentally abusive, and DOPING. In complete mockery and further humiliate and discredit her, Pilar was imprisoned for violating DEION’s court ordered visitation rights.[17]  They had to stop her before she really started dropping the real ILLUMINATI FAMILY JEWELS.


This is a really strange but telling photo of Pilar. In the background, she kiss the BULL- MOLOCH with a bloody hand. There is only one reasonable meaning of this photo. Pilar made or promised to make a blood sacrifice for a covenant with the DEVIL for fame and fortune. The young sister now says that she is affiliated with the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World. She changed her name to “Pilar Biggers Sanders LOVE EL-DEY” and claims that America can’t touch her with its law. She claims that she can only be “judged by the Moroccan Empire.”[18] Now,the whole town is laughing at her.


Deion calls the mother of his children in front of world that she is “certified CRAZY” that’s because he helped drive her INSANE. He turned her over to the ILLUMINATI and MK ULTRA/MONARCH.


Mentally Traumatized Pilar Biggers-Sanders and Moroccan Flag, the PENTAGRAM

However, the real story behind the ILLUMINATI controlled mass media about Pilar Sanders is that in 2013, she had been turned over to DRAKE’s demonic Lieutenants, Barbarians and Lunatics at Cash Money Records, Birdman,

aaabeckhampilarexkittenand his 6’ 6” brother, Ronald “Suga Slim” Williams, as Satanic-ritual sexual abuse- trauma based mind control handers and programmers, to pimp her like she was no more than a dime store whore. If she wasn’t one before, Pilar was transformed into a multiple personality disordered (MPD) mind control CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH SEX KITTEN.[19],[20]

aaabeckhamslimpilar Young Cash Money, Pilar & Suga Slim

DRAKE, Birdman and Cash Money Records, Inc., discussed further below.


From secret Luciferian Freemasonry, Amber Rose & DRAKE, Odell Beckham, Jr. can’t get any more sicker and wicked than that. Right? Beyond the Crowley-iates, Crowley Heads, and beyond the Satanism, there is currently a New AgeISM” and sickness being promoted to youth by Hip Hop/Rap Satanic Cults and the ILLUMINATI to drive them straight to HELL. DRAKE and Odell Beckham, Jr. (No. 13) are right smack in the middle of it all.

DRAKE & the New Age ISM

 A suffix from Greek used as a productive suffix in the formation of nouns denoting action, practice, state or condition, principles, doctrines, a usage or characteristic, devotion or adherence, etc. (criticism; barbarism; Darwinism; despotism; realism; witticism; intellectualism).[21]



The Greek Horned God Pan & Brother SET-SETH

“PAN: The God of All.”[22] In the Greek language, “pan” generally translates to “everything” or “all”. PAN may derive from the Greek word root “pa” which translates to “Guardian of the flocks.” The word also appears closely associated with father. Papa/pappa, papasita, (pa, pap) and pop are also related terms of endearment to father. A male role-model that children can look up to is sometimes referred to as a father-figure.[23]PAN” is Satan, Lucifer, the Devil -also called “The Father” by Occultists.[24]


PAN’s first role has always been that of the shepherd, the guardian between civilization and the wild.[25]PAN was the patron of what has come to be known as “panic sex,” sex for the sake of lust and physical satisfaction... Pan was the god of lust, or of sex in its grunting, groaning, moaning, dirtiest form… Pan was said to bring more than lust to people, he brought uncontrollable longing, almost ANIMAL LIKE DESIRE.”[26]


“Anyone who is familiar with Satanism and the occult knows that “PAN” is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust, homosexuality, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that they worship.”[27]

PAN originated from outside the Greek Pantheon. It is a deity of pagan Northern European Nomads that was adopted by the Greeks. It was a deity brought into the Land of Canaan by European hordes and invaders. Over the generations, the foreign Horned God became intermingled and integrated within the Eastern religious complexes and cosmologies of Canaan as Northern nomads flooded the area.

DRAKE, Tribe of Dan & the Serpent Cult


DAN shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. DAN shall be a snake by the roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horse’s heels so that its rider falls backward. Genesis 49:17 [28]


Drake is a bastard child of a Toronto, Canada circle of very powerful, wealthy, criminal and demonic Ashkenazi Latvian and Russian Jewish descendants (Bronfman-Brontman- distillers, Rothschild- bankers, etc.) with ancient roots from across the Danube River in Central and Eastern Europe.  The Danube River flows through several European countries. The river is named after Jacob’s son, Dan, the leader of the Tribe of Dan.[29] The Danites were an infamous vicious warring and maritime (Sea People) tribe that navigated the waters of the Danube, and spread across Eastern and Northern Europe in ancient times.[30]


The Tribe of Dan is one of the 12 (twelve) Tribes of Israel. It was part of the designated (Satanic) priesthood of the twelve. They were among the SETHIANSChildren of Set-Seth,[31] the Shepherd Kings (Hyksos), that the Great Pharaoh Ahmose I and the Great Queens banished and chased out of Kemet during the 16th Century BC.[32]

aaabeckhammosesThey were part of the legendary and mythological biblical Jewish hordes that followed Moses out of Kemet. Even at that time, the Danites were known as the Sons of the Serpent Tribe- the Serpent Cult. They were with Moses when he lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up. Moses was alluding to a fact of the Kabbalah, known to the Wise: that the Serpent = NaChaSh = 358 = MaShICh = Messiah.[33]


The Tribe of Dan was among the biblical Joshua, Israel’s first general, that led the wholesale slaughter and massacre of the people of the Land of Canaan in a covenant with their god during the 15th Century BC that promised Abraham’s descendants’ Palestine (Canaan). During the Abraham covenant land grab and massacre, the Tribe of DAN invaded the most northernmost border of Canaan (Palestine). They attacked and destroyed a sacred area of Canaan– the City of Leshem. Dan renamed and designated the fallen city and the area, DAN.

Baalbek, Mountain of the Gods


Leshem and that area had already been mysterious, ancient and ages old when the Tribe of Dan invaded the land. Dan’s real purpose for taking Leshem and the surrounding area, particularly Mount Hermon, was to secretly re-establish what they believed to have been a mysterious pre-Flood religion and civilization.[34]


Leshem– it was Baalbek of Canaan/Lebanon, known by the Pharaohs as the Eastern Heliopolis-ON (Capital of Ra and Amon-Ra). It was home to an era of ancient Mega-Stone Builders. It is home to the largest building blocks that ever existed in the world. It was named for the Sky God, BAAL.[35]


This is a Early Statuette of God BAAL & the Upper Crown of Kemet

Few will agree, but Baal is an extremely ancient counterpart of Osiris of Kemet. In the Osirian Myth, the chest that Osiris’ body had been set adrift in the Nile by Set (Seth) came to rest in the Land of Canaan (in Byblos) where Isis recovered it.


As you can clearly observe, both Baal and King Narmer wear the Crown of Upper Kemet. Upper Kemet is the older of the TWO LANDS that includes Ancient KUSH. The Osirian Myth also establishes a basis to find an extremely ancient spiritual and mythological bond and connection between Canaan and Kemet.[36]  Furthermore, around 2350-2330 BC, Weni of Abydos recorded an expedition to Canaan to clear the area of invading “Sand Dwellers,

When his majesty [Teti- 6th Dynastic] took actions against the Eastern Sand-dwellers, his majesty made an army of many tens of thousands from all of Upper Egypt…” From the reign of King Menkaure (2530 BC (4th dynasty), He [Eastern Sand Dwellers] does not dwell in one place, Food propels his legs, He fights since the time of Horus, Not conquering nor being conquered, He does not announce the day of combat, Like a thief who darts about a group.”

Subsequently, Canaan, the colony from Kemet, just became overwhelmed, overran and fell to hordes of foreign invaders. Unfortunately, when significant human events of early antiquity point to Africa, too many people look for mysteries, fallen angels, ufo’s, and aliens as the primary source of human achievement.

The Temple of DAN


On Mount Hermon, a Temple of Dan was erected to worship BAAL represented as a Golden Calf. On Mount Hermon, Jews worshipped Baal with the permission and blessings of King Solomon. The temple was fortified by the Solomon in 970 BC. Even in the Temple of Solomon, Baal was a deity that was allowed to be worshiped.[37]

The Sanctuary and Grotto of PAN


Under Mount Hermon lies Baalbek.[38] Sometime between 222–187 BC, Antiochus III the Great, a Hellenistic Greek king and the 6th ruler of the Seleucid Empire built the Temple of PAN of Banias (Panion) at the foot of Mount Hermon in front of the Cave of PAN said to have been his BIRTHPLACE.[39] The Tribe of Dan were DEVOTEES of the Cult of God PAN,[40] the brother of the ANCIENT SERPENT.[41] It was the Tribe of Dan that transferred his cult to Greece, at which point he entered the pantheon of deities where he is best known in Greek Mythology. God PAN is an invention and Genius of Sethian DAN.[42]


The figure of Alexander the Great, left, has two small horns projecting from the top the head, pointed ears and a goat’s tail, in imitation of the rustic half-goat deity PAN, who was popular in Macedonia. The cloven hooves are missing from the statue.[43]

In the winter before his death, Jesus Christ brought his disciples to Caesarea PhilippiBaalbek under the Romans where he revealed to his disciples for the first time that he was indeed the Jewish Messiah.[44] It is a mystery why Jesus chose Caesarea Philippi as the place to reveal who he was to his disciples, so far north of the Sea of Galilee. Caesarea Philippi was the location of the Cave of PAN where he dwelt, and the place of the Gate of Hades (HELL).

The UN & Mount Hermon


Even today, Baalbek and Mount Hermon is a still a place of immense spiritual and mythological importance. In Christian Mythology, it is allegedly the place where the “Fallen Angels” fell when they were cast from the presence of God.[45] I can’t make this stuff up. Currently on the top Mount Hermon is the highest permanently manned United Nations (UN) position/station in the world.


The UN has built this station on Mount Hermon to deliver the ANTICHRIST and Open the GATES OF HELL.


You may say what you will about the Horned God. But medieval, 15th, 16th and 17th century witches and witnesses of that time produced woodcuts that have shown us exactly who it is and what it does, it leads you directly to the DEVIL and HELL through mesmerism, music, dance, mind control and ritual trauma based RAPE. Throughout the ages, the Gates to HELL have been identified as the place he dwells. The problem is that most people, particularly people of color, are not aware that he exists.  The Horned God has been called upon to lead the youth, particularly youth of color, STRAIGHT TO HELL.  He is deeply shrouded and VEILED from the unknowing by the ILLUMINATI and the elite Global Satanic Cults and Cabals. He has always been HERE to lead secretly THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL.

 DRAKE, PAN, Prophesy & the Book of Revelation


In Middle English, DRAKE means “Dragon,” following the Old English drake, which means “dragon, sea monster, or huge serpent.” Drake likely relates to the proto-Germanic drako as well as the Latin draco, both meaning “dragon.” These tie back to the Ancient Greek word drakon.[46]

Revelation 20 (KJV)

20. And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the BOTTOMLESS PIT and a great chain in his hand.

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old SERPENT, which is the DEVIL, and SATAN, and bound him a thousand years,

3 And cast him into the BOTTOMLESS PIT, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Caesarea Philippi – the ancient Canaanites built a sanctuary to Baal at Paneas, the Greeks and Romans both built sanctuaries there because of the CAVE OF PAN. Inside the cave was a seemingly BOTTOMLESS PIT.[47] The Worship of PAN included despicable sexual actsPanderingas well as HUMAN SACRIFICE. The victim was thrown into this deep well and blood would flow downstream as a sign that the gods accepted the sacrifice, if not, they kept throwing people to the bottom of the pit until blood flowed downstream.[48]

There is a SATANIC PROPHESY of the coming of a ” … Golden Age is anticipated at which time the demonic gods of Atlantis will return to earth to initiate mankind into the ancient wisdom and transform the human race into gods. At this time, Saturn (Satan) – aka Chronos, PAN – will rise from the BOTTOMLESS PIT (Hell) to incarnate [embody] the false Christ/Messiah [ANTICHRIST] of the world religion in the occult’s false millennium.”[49]

The Tribe of Dan is linked directly to biblical Book of Revelation. … ANTICHRIST shall be born of the TRIBE OF DAN.”[50] They have summoned and invoked the Horned God Pan to kick-start this New Age of the ANTICHRIST.


Father PAN, You’re ALL

Under no circumstances should anyone underestimate the ILLUMINATI/Satanic POWER and GLOBAL WEALTH and INFLUENCE behind DRAKE in the Hip Hop/Rap Industry.



The CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Jewish Cabbalist and Freemason Drake and the Great Serpent’s brother, PAN, dwell in a place called Cash Money Records, Inc.. It is a den of Debauchery and Satanism that I had previously identified as Lucifer’s Workshop“.


It is an American record label founded by brothers Bryan “Birdman” Williams and Ronald “Slim” Williams, who currently act as CEOs. Distributed by Republic Records, formerly Universal Republic.[51] The label currently includes so-called music artists such as DRAKE, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, and Young Thug, among others. Young Money Entertainment (YM) is an American record label founded by its President, Lil Wayne.[52]aaabeckhampanwayne66 The Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV), meaning “National Socialist People’s Welfare” was a social welfare organization during the Third Reich. The NSV was established in 1933, shortly after the NSDAP (Nazi Party) took power in Germany. Its seat was in Berlin.[53] The similarly between Young Money’s logo and that of the Nazi NSV, below, may be a just a coincidence. However, after you read what’s below, you might just wonder if these Demonic Negroes at Cash Money Records really got it all, upstairs.


The literal Black Barbarians of Cash Money Records and YM are really strange and unusual Hip Hop and Rap music entertainment executives. Together, they form something like a national black covert ritual sexual trauma abuse CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH Hip Hop/Rap Satanic Occult Bureau and Center. Recently, YM admitted to being deeply involved in Lucifer’s Servant’s ILLUMINATI NAZI PROPOGANDA- chilling racialist psychological warfare against Black People- NI**AS.



In the Cabala: “the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is ‘Nail.’ Now, ‘The Nail’ is one of the secret titles of SATAN within the BROTHERHOOD OF SATANISM.’ “ On February 14, 2014 (Valentine’s Day), YM’s Nicki Minaj, released a rap single called, Looking Ass. In the so-called rap music, she referenced Ass Ni**as” at least forty one (41) times.

Look at y’all smokin’ ass ni**as
After every pull, ni**as start chokin’ ass ni**as
Ni**a- ni**a


Shockingly, YM’s album art features the late Malcolm X as a “Looking Ass Ni**a” angering and appalling many.[54]

Look at y’all bitch ass ni**as

Stop lyin’ on your dick ass ni**as


At least two (2) times, she calls Ni**as NON MAN,[55] an obvious reference to UNTERMENSCH (underman, sub-man, subhuman) – a term that Nazis applied to Jews, Blacks and persons of color.[56]

Look at y’all lookin’ ass ni**as
Stop lookin’ at my ass ass ni**as

This indeed is a baffling and startling statement. Who is she blatantly showing her ass to, and what for? Is it part of the covert CIA MK ULTRA Satanic Booty Cult program to distract the youth and the world?

look at y’all lyin’ ass ni**as
Talkin’ ’bout “It’s paid off” but it’s financed, lyin’ ass nigga
Bunch of non-mogul ass ni**as
Frontin’ like they got a plan, Boost
Mobile ass ni**a

Her ass is not for the non-important- “LIFE UNWORTHY OF LIFE” or “USELESS EATERS.”[57]

Ni**a, ni**a look at y’all
Can’t get a job so you plottin’ how to rob ass ni**as
I ain’t gotta check for y’all
But if I’ma check for y’all, I’ma need a check from y’all ni**as


Stereotypical Implanting– Blacks are criminals. Nicki Minaj got a check for black criminals- EXTERMINATION.

I ‘on’t want sex, give a fuck about your ex
I ‘on’t even want a text from y’all ni**as

She doesn’t even give Black People credit for being among her loyal fans or consumers of her products.

I’m rapin’ you ni**as
Look at this pic, look what the fuck I gave to you ni**as
Ain’t feelin’ these ni**as
Ni**as want my time, call me Clinton, I’m billin’ these ni**as

Stereotypical Implanting- Black people- Welfare Queens.

All I, All I know is there should be no reason
All I know is there should be no reason
All I, all I know is there should be
All I know
All I, all I know is there should be no reason
All I know, you know it, and you know it
Look at what, reason

Look at y’all sharin’ one bottle in the club
One bottle full of bub’ ass ni**as
Look at y’all not havin’ game ass ni**as
Y’all ni**as share a chain ass ni**as



Same cup in the hand ass ni**a
In the club with a credit card scam ass n**a
No dick in the pants ass ni**a
I be damned if I fuck a non-man ass ni**a

UNTERMENSCH (underman, sub-man, subhuman)!

I will, I will, I will, I will never fuck a non-man ass ni**a

UNTERMENSCH (underman, sub-man, subhuman)

I would never lie
Even if that ni**a flew me and my bitches all the way out to

DUBAI! “From Rick Ross’s ‘Devil is a Lie’ to Nicki Minaj’s ‘Looking Ass N*gga’, when rappers aren’t bragging about their fancy homes, cars and BASQUIAT paintings they are name-dropping the most exotic countries on the map. Aside from Paris, Milan and London, Dubai is one of the most talked about cities for the hip-hop elite. Arab money, materialism, luxury goods and extreme architectural monuments leave stars in the eyes of many. But all that glitters is not gold and Dubai’s reputation as an exclusive luxury destination has become the world’s worst kept secret.”[58]

Pussy, you tried, pussy ass ni**a you lie
Pussy ass ni**a, you high

Nicki give homage to Drug Kingpins that destroy the people. Drug Kingpins and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Agents that can afford to take her and her so-called bitches to Dubai– pimp THEM in exchange for Arab money, and spy for state secrets.

Bitch I’m me, hundred on the wrist, I ski
Art on the wall, Basqui, fuck who see
Look at you fake dope dealers
Know real ni**as that be movin’ weight in them villas
Talkin’ ’bout ki’s, say it’s ki’s in the van


Jean‑Michel Basquiat, middle above, with manifest homosexual Andy Warhol. Basquiat was a late- modernist or early-postmodern homosexual or PAN sexual American Artist. He died at the age 27 years old from a heroin overdose in his studio.[59]


In this art piece, Basquiat says that “CATHAR is Sat[anic] Liars”. “Where did the Cathars come from? … The best and most basic answer is, “Cathars have been in all places and all times. We were intimates of the SETHIAN RACE“- the Tribe of DAN. [60]


Undoubtedly, the young brother was possessed by the DEVIL and driven out of his mind. He had been indoctrinated in the ancient Sethian Gnostics for the coming of the New Age of the ANTICHRIST.

But he really move grams and he split it with his mans

All I, All I know is there should be no reason
All I know is there should be no reason
All I, all I know is there should be
All I know.
All I, all I know is there should be no reason
All I know, you know it, and you know it
Look at what, reason.[61]

This rap is blatant PSYCHIC DRIVING- it is a psychiatric procedure in which subjects are subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behavior.[62]  YM’s Looking Ass is absolutely vile, vulgar, profane, and demeaning to Black people. It is a transparent MK ULTRA vehicle to re-enforce, shape and foster subliminal self hate, self-doubt and destructive behavior. Psychic Driving was pioneered as a covert subliminal mind control medium by CIA/MK ULTRA CIA doctor, Dr. Ewen Cameron.[63]


The script of Looking Ass could very well have been written by the Nazi Party, Third Reich and the SS (Knights of the Black Sun).

Nicki Minaj’s “ONLY”- NAZI Romanticism, Spiritualism and SYMBOLISM


 On October 28, 2014, Cash Money Records and YM released Nicki Minaj’s single, “ONLY” featuring YM President Lil Wayne, Drake and Chris Brown.[64]ONLY” also shocked, angered and appalled many. The single’s video clip blatantly glorified NAZI SYMBOLISM AND IMAGERY and they have openly admitted it.[65]


YM’s “ONLY” lyric video director Jeffrey Osborne, above, whoever and whatever he may be, let it out of the bag that the video and clip was based on the cinema graphic works and studies of LENI RIEFENSTAHL. It could be that he didn’t truly exactly understand who Riefenstahl really was. Or, he doesn’t expect the public to know who she was. Or, he just don’t give a damn whether we know it or not.  And, he said that he will not apologize for the Nazi Symbolism and Propaganda in the clip after it had been exposed for what it is- covert NAZI/SS PROPAGANDA secretly deeply subliminally imbedded in Hip Hop and Rap.[66] The so-called executives of Cash Money Records and YM seems powerless to say anything different other than what Osborne and the ILLUMINATI says that it is or should be.



“Fascinating Fascism”

The single’s animated video clip “ONLY” was produced and based on studies and works of RiefenstahlHitler and Josef Goebbels’ most favorite filmmaker. It subliminally INVOKES National Socialist (NAZI) Romanticism, Spiritualism, Racial Superiority, Pagan Aryan Mythology rolled up in one that glorified Racial Genocide and endless Wars of Aggression for Conquest just as Riefenstahl had did for the NAZIS. It is extremely rare for any record company in America to admit a Nazi Reference to any kind of work involving and affecting a stunningly unique cultural and ethnic music form like Hip Hop and Rap. It is a BETRAYAL of the people at its highest, and a cultural HUMAN RIGHTS violation. It is UNFORGIVABLE.


RIEFENSTAHL was fascinated, electrified and mesmerized by ADOLF HITLER.  She  loved the Fuehrer and sold out to Aryan Superman Pagan Mythology. She heard Adolf Hitler speak at a rally in 1932 and was hypnotized. Describing the experience in her memoir, Riefenstahl wrote,

“I had an almost apocalyptic vision that I was never able to forget. It seemed as if the Earth’s surface were spreading out in front of me, like a hemisphere that suddenly splits apart in the middle, spewing out an enormous jet of water, so powerful that it touched the sky and shook the earth”.[67]


RIEFENSTAHL was taught to use films as a medium to recruit and direct mass emotions for fictional purposes and fascinate the masses with Nazism through occult mesmerism and Satanic symbolism. Riefenstahl directed Germany’s ” … cult of personality raised to a kind of rapture: from the first minutes of the opening stanza of the film [Triumph of Will], when Hitler descends from the clouds, transubstantiated from some Teutonic heaven to the earthly precincts of Nuremberg, he is both in the world and out of it, the seething godhead of a demonic political religion.[68]

After the war, Riefenstahl was imprisoned by the Allies as a NAZI WAR CRIMINAL, then released her, partly because no one could figure out if a film could be an instrument of war, or they didn’t just want to go there.[69]

RIEFENSTAHL: WITCH and Priestess of Debauchery


RIEFENSTAHL was also a pagan WITCH out of the mystic Black Forest of the Harz Mountains- Place of the Ancient Witches Sabbath.[70] In Berlin‘s post WWI decadent and Satanic/Occult underground, Riefenstahl had been an understudy of Germany’s Priestess of Debauchery, Anita Berber.[71] 


Anita Berber was Weimar Germany’s version of Madonna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus- all mixed together. During the 1920s, she danced erotically and nude in nightclubs and films. She was a PAN-sexual that seduced the rich and famous (both male and female). Berber made no secret of her addictions to cocaine, opium, and alcohol.[72] She also made no secret of who her Lord had been. In 1921, Berber stared in the German silent firm classic, LUCIFER.[73]

BERBER, Riefenstahl & Master of Darkness


“Fritz Lang lived his life with the glinted eyes of a maniac.”[74]

In Germany, Berber worked as early as 1921 with film producer and director, Fritz Lang.[75] Firm director Friedrich “Fritz” Lang was a patron of Berlin’s underground decadent and Satanic club scene, and a frequent lustful client of erotic club dancers, and Berlin’s infamous underground women of debauchery like Berber and Riefenstahl. Lang was referred to as the “MASTER OF DARKNESS.” He identified himself as a Roman Catholic. The storyline is Lang had (maternal) Jewish heritage, and thought that it would become a problem with Hitler when he took power in Germany. Nonetheless his Jewish heritage, he was Germany’s leading film director, and part of the secret elite Nazi Dark Underground Occult.


According to Lang, Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels personally expressed their admiration for his classic Satanic movie, “METROPOLIS (1926)” that Hitler and Goebbels studied very closely together. Lang’s story line is that Hitler tried to (or did in fact secretly) recruit him into his popular entertainment propaganda wing with Dr. Josef Goebbels.[76] Lang was a deep cover wicked Luciferian, likely a Mason (Brotherhood of Darkness)[77]and a big LIAR.[78]


In 1924, Lang with his second wife, Thea von Harbou, wrote the screenplays for the silent film Die Nibelungen: Siegfried.[79] Hitler identified himself with the mythological dragon slayer hero, Siegfried, and an ancient and fabled “Ring of Power”.  Siegfried and the Dragon was a pagan folklore passed down throughout the generations. [80] It was about a mystical story about the magikal, mysterious and powerful “Ring of Power” protected by a DRAGON, and Siegfried slaying the DRAGON to achieve the mythological “Ring of Power”.[81] Lang produced absolutely nothing to upset or challenge the myth of Aryan Supremacy or Nazi Satanic pagan belief foundations, but enhanced it for mass public consumption and indoctrination.  The movie, Die Nibelungen: Siegfried, was loved by Hitler and Goebbels – its opening credits display a dedication “for the [volkish]German people” – and the first half was re-released in 1933 (Nazi Party Era) with a spoken prologue and Wagnerian (Siegfried Wagner, 1869-1930) soundtrack.[82]


Lang said that Hitler and Goebbels personally offered him the job of head of the German Cinema Institute and honorary title of ARYAN, but he secretly transferred his money out of the country and left. The job was accepted by one of his understudies, the Witch, LENI RIEFENSTAHL.[83]


Fritz Lang’s Symbol was the M (BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS)- Freemasons.


Recall, DRAKE’S OWL Symbol also represents M (BROTHERHOOD OF DARKNESS)- Freemasons.



























[26] Id.


































[60] Slatton, Traci L., Immortal, Bantam Dell, NY, NY (2008), pg. 160








[68] Id.





[73] Bock, Hans Michael, The Concise Cinegraph: An Encyclopedia of German Cinema, Berghahn Books, NY, NY (2009), pg. 35


[75] Id. at Footnote 34


[77] Monteith, Stanley, brotherhood of darkness, Heartstone Publishing, Oklahoma City, OK (2000)





