6 06 2016

Just a few minutes ago, I laid down to rest for just a couple of hours. I still have so many things to do. My garden is overran by weeds. I have to work on a court response to a demurrer from a multi-international corporation, so rotten dirty as hell with power over the people- it can smell sweet fumes from its own filth. I have to get back to my past elder’s case, John Gregory, Jr., Queen Bee and Kingfish in Alabama. I told my conscious, I need just a little rest. It said, no, no. It’s all related. It said that when they commit themselves, drawn a line and dig in with their heels. That it is the moment to move. That’s when the real fight begins. It said, you got to get up, now, and move. It’s all related and connected, each one to the other.

So here I am, again. This Fentanyl thing and Prince is a much bigger story. The current storyline that Prince died from an assumed self administrated “Fentanyl Toxicity” just don’t sit well with a lot of people, most definitely myself. My conscious kept telling me that due to its deadly properties, Fentanyl is weaponized.


Prince lived relatively safely in a 55,000 sq. ft. $10 million estate that he helped design by his “visions” called Paisley Park Studios. The studio compound was co-designed by architecture firm BOTO Design Inc., of Santa Monica, California, and was completed in 1988.[1] BOTO architect, 23 years old in 1988, Brent Thoeny said, Paisley Park was built with all of Prince’s substantial security and privacy concerns,[2]

The insider [TV show] told me Prince had a complex security system installed at Paisley Park that included video surveillance in every nook and cranny. “I hope they didn’t disable that surveillance system,” said the distraught insider. ‘We’ll never know what happened to him.’[3]

I am not sure who the “me” may be. But, you can understand why Prince had reason to believe that he was safe in his gated security compound. You should also understand the fear surrounding the people that were close to him at Paisley Park. Some of them are concerned that the compound’s surveillance system had been disabled, and an assassination team had clandestinely moved into the park to kill Prince. But nobody is talking about Prince’s surveillance system, corporate mass media, and not even the police. People that were close to Prince know that none of them are safe talking about Prince and what really went down at Paisley Park the night or morning he was liquidated.


Janssen Pharmaceutics that created and produce Fentanyl has been under the control of the Cult of the Black Sun since WWII. The Janssens are an ILLUMINATI Belgium Blue Blood Family. It is an old European oligarch linked to the Vatican, Henry Kissinger, European Round Table of Industrialists, Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. Baron Paul Janssen that invented Fentanyl in 1963 on the eve of the JFK Assassination, and Vietnam Aggression. He was a member of the Vatican Scientific Academy.[4]

In Budapest, Hungary, December 1944, Gedeon Richter, the man behind Central and Eastern Europe’s most important and largest pharmaceutical company, Gedeon Richter, was taken to the Nazi/Arrow Cross interrogation and torture center, 60 Andressy Street. He was interrogated and tortured. Then Gedeon, peers and family were taken to the banks of the Danube River and shot dead. Their bodies were thrown into the river. Two years prior, the Nazis took control of Gedeon Richter away from him, then banned Gedeon completely from his factory. Of the old Belgium oligarch, Constant Janssen and Janssen Pharmaceutics were granted full distribution rights over Gedeon Richter. If the Nazis had the power to take it from him, they certainly had the power to give it to whomever would do whatever their biddings.[5]


SS Sturmbannführer Wilhelm Hoettl

At that time, the Nazi in command of the Hungarian Arrow Cross that tortured and murdered Richter was SS Sturmbannführer (major) Wilhelm Höttl or Hoettl (March 1915 – June 1999). At SS headquarters (RSHA), Hoettl was an “untouchable” under the special wing of protection of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, and Obergruppenführer (general) Ernst Kaltenbrunner.[6]


Janssen’s approval to takeover the Jewish assets of Gedeon Richter, and its distribution rights had to have come down directly from Himmler’s desk. I wouldn’t be surprised if the order to liquidate Richter and his family had not also come down directly from Lucifer’s Son himself, Himmler. From 1944 to at least April 12, 1945, Hoettl was in Budapest at 60 Andressy Street.[7]



When it came down to that type of money, vital resources, power and control, Himmler always made the decisions. That’s the way he rolled, especially, through his special control agents like Hoettl. Himmler maintained a fanatic ritual and circle of control, and legendary triple if not more line of surveillance and security over the SS and everybody else. Cross Himmler, your days if not the moments on earth were numbered. You see, a business deal like that Himmler and the SS always got a little something-something off the top, no exceptions to that rule. By the way after the war, Hoettl went on the U.S. taxpayers’ payroll as a CIA Counterintelligence Agent.



I said that to say this. If a company related to the Black Sun Cult surfaces, particularly a pharmaceutical, always look for dualism of the “Satanic Principle” – the good and the evil use of its products. Fentanyl has a good use, and it has an EVIL side. On September 25, 1997, Palestinian political leader and the leader of the Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas, Khaled Mashal, was the target of an assassination attempt carried out by the Israeli Mossad under orders from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet.  Two Mossad agents carrying fake Canadian passports entered Jordan, where Mashal was living. The Mossad agents waited at the entrance of the Hamas offices in Amman, and as Mashal walked into his office, one of the agents came up from behind and held a device to Mashal’s left ear that transmitted a fast-acting poison. Mashal subsequently fell into a coma.

Immediately after the incident, Jordan’s King Hussein demanded that Netanyahu turn over the antidote for the poison, threatening to sever diplomatic relations and to try two detained Israeli agents. Netanyahu at first refused, and the incident quickly grew in political significance. With Israeli-Jordanian relations rapidly deteriorating, King Hussein threatened to void the 1994 peace between the two countries should Mashal die. U.S President Bill Clinton intervened and compelled Netanyahu to turn over the antidote.

The head of Mossad flew to Jordan, with the prime minister’s consent, bringing an antidote to treat Mashal. However, the doctors at King Hussein Medical Center, where Mashal lay in a coma, had already administered the same antidote —Naloxone (Narcan), an anti-opioid — after observing Mashal’s symptoms to be consistent with an opioid overdose.[8] Recall, this is the same drug that saved Prince’s life after he became sick on the airplane.



On October 23, 2002, in the middle of an evening performance at a Moscow music theater, some 50 Chechen terrorists equipped with firearms as well as large quantities of explosives suddenly seized the venue and the 800 people inside. The terrorists threatened to kill everyone inside unless Russia ended the war in Chechnya. Although the Chechen militants agreed to release some of the hostages during the first couple of days, negotiations with the Russian authorities eventually stalled. Just before dawn on October 26, Russian special police units resorted to using an incapacitating gas to end the crisis. All of the Chechen militants were killed, and most of the civilian captives survived. But while the operation was largely a success, at least 117 of the 800 hostages died from the effects of the gas.[9]

FENTANYL: From Analgesic to Chemical Warfare/Bioterrorism Agent

While at the same time Janssen Pharmaceutics was using Fentanyl to save lives and provide people a way to manage their pain in dignity, it was providing it to military intelligence and counterintelligence agencies such as to the CIA (Project PHOENIX) in Vietnam to asssasinate Vietnamese leaders with poison darts. But there is a source that says the Fentanyl Assassination Program was not implemented as an assassination tool in Vietnam, but it identified Major General John K. Singlaub being in charge of the program and a direct liaison with the Black Sun Janssen Pharmaceuticals. And that takes us further down the Rabbit Hole.[10]


Iran Contra’s Dangerous Global Fascist, U.S. Army Major General John Singlaub

General John  Singlaub was one of the most dangerous individuals on the planet. He was a former Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officer and a founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun puppet, and Hitler’s General, Knight of Malta, Reinhart Gehlen.[11],[12]

In both instances above in Jordan and Russia, the bioterrorism agent had been Janssen’s weaponized Fentanyl.[13] The Mossad had it weaponized in a spray can, and Russians developed it into a weaponized mass crowd control incapacitating gas. In both cases, it turned out as expected- deadly.[14]


Dr. Quinn Strobl, A Witch that Nobody Knows Much About

Now, they have committed themselves to the legal conclusion and supposition that Prince dead from a self administrated overdose of Fentanyl. Let’s return to that Wicked Witch Dr. Angelique Quinn Strobl, because this shit is awfully mighty deep. In the first instance, I found it far too suspicious that out of all the subjects in world most all of her very few peer review papers are connected to Fentanyl.

2013- Superiority of Post Mortem Liver Fentanyl, Concentrations over Peripheral Blood Influenced by Post Mortem Interval for Determination of Fentanyl Toxicity” Clin Biochem, A. Quinn Strobl [15]

In this paper, the lead researcher on this paper is Dr. Vikram Palamalai. He is an Indian doctor and surgeon. His address is/was Mayo Proteomics Research Center, Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine, Rochester, MN.[16] What is their particular interest in Fentanyl? In 1997, when Khaled Mashal was poisoned by the Mossad with Levo-Fentanyl, he was assisted in the hospital by people, and a pharmacologist from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.[17] In fact, throughout Mashal’s treatment and fight to survive, the Mayo Clinic had been “Johnny on the Spot” on numerous occasions in Jordan.[18] During the ordeal with Mashal and the Mossad, arrangements were made for King Hussein to be treated for cancer at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Centering around Israel, Mossad, and the Palestinians, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN worked with the Mossad and CIA.[19]


What secret interest does the Mayo Clinic have in Dr. Strobl’s Fentanyl studies- an improved chemical warfare and assassination tool for the CIA and Mossad. Since at least 1995, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester has been a growing Jewish Community that have two synagogues to serve their spiritual needs.[20] Just over a week ago, Mayo Clinic announced that it plans to commercialize Israeli health case technology and introduce it to the U.S., while investing in and advancing the development of new technologies. They have doing it all along for decades, secretly.[21]

As an assassination weapon, it is virtually not detectable unless you know it’s there. So, how many people have they secretly murdered over the decades with Fentanyl? Prince for certain. In Prince’s case, conclude his death was self administeredFentanyl Toxicity” and everybody is off the hook. They will find a patsy on a street corner like a “Harry Hippie” and give the case for supplying Prince with the drug. They will demonize him then put him away in prison for life. That’s the way they roll.

“That Plane [Flight 77] Don’t Fit That Hole.” U.S. Major General Albert Stubblebine


 2007- Fentanyl Concentrations in 23 Post Mortem Cases from the Hennepin County Medical Examiners’ Office, J Forensic Sci, vol 52, no 4, pp 978-981, A. Quinn Strobl [22]


Dr. Andrew Baker

This is very scary stuff. Surrounding Prince, people are very afraid and they very well should be. One of Dr. Strobl’s lead researchers on this paper involve Dr. Andrew M. Baker of NIST. 9-11 Truthers should recognize his name. This is THIS man’s background,

He served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force and a medical examiner for the Department of Defense, before returning to the Midwest. Dr. Baker has served as the president and chair of the board of the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), and in 2014, is chair of NAME’s Standards Committee. He is also active in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the Forensic Pathology Committee of the College of American Pathologists. He is an assistant professor (adjunct) in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Baker regularly speaks at the local, regional and national levels about death investigation and forensic pathology. He is on the editorial board of Academic Forensic Pathology (the official publication of NAME) and serves as an ad hoc editor for the Journal of Forensic Sciences. His awards include NAME’s Outstanding Service Award, and Star Performer and Champions of Change Awards from Hennepin County.”[23]

The Pentagon, U.S. Defense Department, and FBI turned over to Dr. Andrew M. Baker all the DNA evidence from passengers that they claimed that they found involving the plane they said crashed into the Pentagon on 9-11- FLIGHT 77. Now, this is some heavy shit. This is what Dr. Baker said about the DNA evidence from FLIGHT 77,

“Following approximately 2½ weeks of remains processing and two months of DNA analysis, 183 unique identities were generated from the remains of those killed in the attack on the Pentagon, yielding 178 positive identifications. Some remains for each of the terrorists were recovered, as evidenced by five unique postmortem profiles that did not match any ante mortem material provided by victims’ families. No identifiable remains for five of the victims known to have been killed in the attack were recovered.”[24]

A Boeing 757 don’t fit that hole in the Pentagon. There were no bodies, clothes, shoes, luggage or seats found at the so-called crash scene. They say that everything went up in a puff of smoke upon impact. That is not possible, but that is what they say happened to the passengers’ bodies. They went up in a puff of smoke. So, if that is the case. Where did the DNA come from? The better view is no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. There were no passengers. There was no DNA.

What happened to the passengers on Flight 77 if a Boeing 757 didn’t fit that hole? I don’t know, but at least one of the most infamous on the passengers’ list, Barbara Olson, appears to have changed her identity.[25] Dr. Andrew M. Baker is an extremely high level disinformation agent, a member of the CIA, 9-11 Inside Job, and the rouge state SHADOW GOVERNMENT.





[5] `


[7] Id.







[14] Id.














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