24 06 2010

The Enlightened One. Frederick Jay "Rick" Rubin, Founder of Def Jam Recording


“That is the secret delight and security of hell, that it is not to be informed on, that it is protected from speech, that it just it, but cannot be public in the newspaper, be brought by any word to critical knowledge…” -Thomas Mann

Recently, singer-actress, Tiffany Evans, caused somewhat of a public stir when she twittered suggesting that Satanism was clandestinely influencing Hollywood Hip Hop inner circles.  She cried out after hearing Rihanna’s Def Jam Recording single “Russian Roulette.” Tiffany sincerely believed that the single was patently satanic and promoted suicide among youth.[1]

Rihanna's Satanic Imagery Implants

Tiffany’s young voice was like a cry in the wilderness. Rihanna and the music industry response was basically Tiffany didn’t know what she was talking about. She didn’t appreciate the free flow of expressive art in Hip Hop/Pop. Later, Tiffany backtracked from the satanic Hollywood Hip Hop connection. Nevertheless, it caused some alarm among Hip Hop/Pop industry personalities to at least pay attendance to the predominance of satanic themes undoubtedly infecting the genre. 

Nevertheless, it is obvious and plainly apparent that there is a psychological warfare campaign to deliberately, subliminal and consciously, implant highly sophisticated satanic imagery into Hip Hop/Pop.

Jay Z & Lit Wayne- Blatant Satanic Implant in Hip Hop

The most blatant, leading and visible Black vessels of this Satanic psychological warfare campaign is Jay-Z, Beyonce,

Playing with the Devil and its Image-BAPHOMET- Beyonce, Kanye West & Rihanna

Rihanna, Kanye Omari West of Def Jam Recordings. They are controlled whether wittingly through the security of hell by satanic blood oath or unwitting through MK ULTRA programming. Chris Brown has also produced some extraordinary provocative satanic musical pieces. Chris records with Jive Records owned by Sony, but he also had his musical genesis with Def Jam.[2]  

Russell Simmons, the most visible Black head of Def Jam was only illusionary and window dressing. The founder of Def Jam is the powerful and mysterious “Enlightened One”, Frederick Jay “Rick” Rubin, co-head of Columbia Records.[3] Columbia Records is owned by Chris Brown’s Sony.[4] Rick Rubin is only the tip of an iceberg breeding vessels for Lucifer’s Servants.

Tiffany understood full well what she witnessed and reacted naturally to fear of Satan, but she and many others do not fully understand the BIG PICTURE; the covert psychological warfare campaign against Christianity and People of Color.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is an extremely and  highly sophisticated themed Satanic imagery and renderings targeted for youth.


“I’m the devil, and I’m here to do the devil’s business.” –Tex Watson, Manson Family[5]

The mysterious and unseen Rubin rarely if ever give interviews. He considers himself to not have any specific religious orientation. However, he practices the Buddhist religion.  His office, we are told, “is lined with floor-to-ceiling books, most of which are of a spiritual nature, whether about Buddhism, the Bible or new age quests for enlightenment. The library and house are filled with religious icons mixed with mementos from the world of pop.” [6]

The Great Illusionist, Harry Houdini Tried to Find the Passage From the Other World for His Mother and Himself

Rubin owns the infamous secluded haunted mansion of Harry Houdini (3/24/1874-Halloween 1926), Lord of Illusions and Mysticism, at 2400-2435 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Los Angeles.[7] Houdini was one of the greatest magicians that ever lived. He was oppessed with finding a passage from the World of the Spirits and Dead. His ghost roams the mansion trying to find a passage back to the material world. Rubin turned Houdini’s mansion nestled in the hills that separate the Los Angeles basin from the San Fernando Valley into a recording studio.[8] 

Laurel Canyon is an extremely interesting place with a very particular covert history to put a recording studio. During the 1960s, an extremely interesting assortment of pioneer rock musicians, singers and songwriters suddenly begin to gather in Laurel Canyon as though summoned there by some unseen Pied Piper. Gram Parsons; The Mamas and Papas; Buffalo Springfield; the Byrds; the Monkees; Steppenwolf; Crosby, Stills and Nash; Neil Young; Frank Zappa; Jim Morrison, Alice Cooper; Jimi Hendrix; CHARLES MASON & FAMILY all found their way to Laurel Canyon.[9] All of these parties were of particular interest to the CIA-MK ULTRA covert war against Rock and Roll.[10]

Another infamous resident of Laurel Canyon was U.S. Naval Intelligence Futurist and Science Fiction writer, Robert Heinlein. Heinlein at 8775 Lookout Mountain Avenue was just down the road from the U.S. Military Intelligence Top-Secret Lockout Mountain Laboratory (below) on Wonderland. During WWII, Heinlein led a top-secret special project of technical (science fiction) writers for military naval intelligence to bridge America’s gap between the occult and science.

This special research group was setup in response to the Nazis’ advances in occulted pseudo -sciences and advance mind and mass population control techniques, super weaponry projections [11] and development of (Brotherhood of the Bell (Die Glocke)) nuclear technology [12] that was bargaining chips in the hands of the SS (Schutzstaffel), Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, Obergruppenfuhrer SS Dr. Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler and Reichsminister Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels.  

Among the science fiction writers Heinlein recruited for the special project were Isaac Asimov, John W. Campbell, Jr.,  George O. Smith, Murray Leinster (Will F. Jenkins), L. Ron Hubbard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Fletcher Pratt. [13]

Heinlein’s best-known work is the novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Ed Sanders has written, in The Family, that the book “helped provide a theoretical basis for Manson’s family.” Charlie frequently used Strange Land terminology when addressing his flock and he named his first Family-born son Valentine Michael Manson, in honor of the book’s lead character. [14]

Approximately nine miles west of Laurel Canyon is Rustic Canyon. Beach Boy Dennis Wilson lived in Rustic Canyon at 14400 Sunset Blvd. Wilson’s cabin was where Charles Manson and Family began to be implanted with the concept that he and his followers had to prepare themselves for a race war (Helter Skelter) with Black America.[15]

From 1933 to 1945,  just five miles off Sunset Blvd, Rustic Canyon had been home to a secret $4 million Nazi military styled compound with a powerful electric fence, a diesel-powered generator, a 395,000 gallon water tank, an Olympic sized swimming pool, and extensive networks of staircases scattered along the walls canyon. The stairs were believed to be used by guards patrolling the compound.[16] A group of up to 40 armed Nazis occupied the compound. The group was led by a man known as “Herr Schmidt. He was possessed to be endowed with metaphysical powers.[17]

Herr Schmidt predicted that world war would be won by Germany, that the United States would collapse into years of violent anarchy (Helter Skelter) and that the chosen few (Enlightened Ones) would need a tight spot in which to hole up, self-sufficient, until the fire storm had passed. Then they could emerge not only intact, but due to Aryan supremacy, they would rule a New World Order.[18]

Back around to Laurel Canyon in 1947. After the formation of Operation Paperclip that secretly brought thousands of Nazis into the United States, the Army Air Corps (1352d Motion Picture Squadron) secured a 21/2 acre house on Wonderland Park Avenue and turned it into a –top-secret electrical fenced movie production house indentified as the Lookup Mountain Laboratory. It is claimed that it was perhaps the world’s only completely self-contained movie studio. With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.[19]

Lookup Mountain Laboratory had something to do with the Cold War developing secret weapon testing films for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The existence of this facility wasn’t acknowledged until the early 90’s even though it had produced some 19,000 government propaganda films, and had the likes of John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe working there with top-secret clearances on (MK ULTRA) “undisclosed projects”[20]. Hollywood civilian studio staff from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO also worked alongside its military staff as producers, cameramen and directors.[21]

The lab conducted secret experiments and shot military training films and documentaries here until the clandestine studio was decommissioned in 1969 [22] most likely after or just prior to the August 8 Tate-LaBianca Massacre. The savage, grizzly and cold blood murders of 6 white people at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, just a couple miles to the west of Laurel Canyon, had been originally blamed on Black Nationalist, the Black Panther Party for Self Defense (Helter Skelter)[23]  

The road to the U.S. Military Top-Secret Lookup Mountain Laboratory should almost face Rubin’s studio mansion on Laurel Canyon Blvd. When fascist rock star David Bowie wante to delve into Kabalism (the religious mystical and magical system of Judaism), he just happened to seek out Rick Rubin and Houdini’s Mansion.  

Channeling the Nazis, David Bowie & SS Lighting Bolt

Bowie had been doing loads of cocaine in the mansion when he saw himself as a modern day incarnation of Merlin, The Magician, of King Arthur’s Knightly Round Table, dabbled in grey magic and assumed the identity of “The Thin White Duke,” a decadent, Euro, disco vampire.[24] At Wewelsburg Castle, Himmler had also channeled, Merlin.  Undoubtedly, Rubin and Bowie had been involved in preforming secret SS metaphysical occult rites of Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler. 

This is the backdrop of Rick Rubin’s secluded haunted studio mansion compound in Laurel Canyon, the perfect setting to secretive recruit, train, indoctrinate, program and initiate vessels for Lucifer’s Servants, and CIA-MK ULTRA.  Its “… foundation is said to have been riddled with secret passageways, tunnels, and hidden chambers. Similarly, the grounds of the estate were (and still are) laced with trails leading to grottoes, elaborate stone structures, and hidden caves and tunnels.”[25]

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Genesis, left, Morphed into a Female

Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, an English singer-songwriter, musician, writer and artist is one of  your most perfect satanic gurus to initiate selective satanic neophytes. Genesis founded second-wave industrial-gothic rock art performance groups, Throbbing Gristle and PsychThric-TV.[26]

Genesis is considered one of three of the High Magi of the Left Hand Path, Satanism.[27] The other two are  (British Intelligence MI-5) Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666 and CIA/MK ULTRA agent, Timothy Leary.[28] Genesis is an ardent Crowley devotee and the founder of the Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY).[29]

In England, Genesis had been an early neophyte of the Scholar and High Priest of the Left-Hand Path, William S. Burroughs[30] and the “Dream Machine” developer, Brion Gysin.[31]  Burroughs was alleged to have been a CIA/MK ULTRA assassin and handler of an international ring of dissociative identity disorder satanic abused children.[32]

While in Tangiers, Morocco, Burroughs and Gysin (lovers) explored the role of music, drugs, spiritual and political myths surrounding Hassan I Sabbah, the “Old Man of the Mountain” and leader of the Hashishin Assassins of the 11th century.[33]

For whatever sources (CIA/MI5-6), the bottom line of Burroughs and Gysin exploration involved how to create assassins through music, drugs, and indoctrination. In 1951, Burroughs, grandson of adding machine inventor William Seward Burroughs, shot his wife through the head [34] to reach some type of conscious (channeled) level as an assassin.

Many of the Tenets of Genesis’ TOPY were based upon the satanic teachings of Robert DeGrimston, founder of the Process Church of the Final Judgment. During the 1990s, Genesis revived the Process Church.[35]

Helter Skelter-Satanists Robert DeGrimston & Charles Manson

Robert DeGrimston has published three books on the subject of war, Jehovah on War, Lucifer on War and Satan on War, alleging that the words are from the three gods themselves as operating through the mouth of DeGrimston.[36]  The Process Church is linked to Nazi Occultism, Satanism, Son of Sam[37] and Charles Manson and Family.[38] 

The Process Church of the Final Judgment is an English occult society dedicated to observing and aiding the end of the world by stirring up murder, violence and chaos (Helter Skelter), and dedicated to the proposition that they, the Process (The Enlightened Ones), shall survive the gore as the chosen people.[39] 

Grimston’s wife, Mary Anne DeGrimston assumed various names such as Hecate and the Oracle and possibly Circe. Both Robert and Mary Anne are devout reincarnationists. According to one account, Mary Anne believes she is the reincarnation (agent) of Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels.[40]

Nazi Logos of Genesis' Throbbing Gristle, SS-Totenkopfverbande Death Head & Lighting Bolt

Kevin Coogan, an expert investigator of the far right, identified Genesis’ Throbbing Gristle, the early post-punk group (Black Metal), with glamorizing the Nazi SS and Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda through art and music to spread Nazism, anti-Semitism, fascism, racism, Satanism, sado-masochism, and Wotan-Odinist ancestor worship supposedly as a means of shocking themselves and others out of the mundane, linear mindset.[41]

One of the biggest producers of Black Metal Rock appears to be Rick Rubin. Rubin is connected to Love and Rockets,[42] Trouble,[43] Danzig, Slayer, Metallica, System of a Down,[44] Dirty Little Rabbits,[45]  Black Sabbath,[46] and Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Blood Sugar Sex Magik.[47]

In February 1992, while Genesis was in Nepal, a British TV documentary accused Genesis of Satanic (pornographic) child abuse from a Psychic TV performance-art video taken from his home. British police seized Genesis’ possessions and threatened to imprison him if he returned to England.[48]

In 1995, Genesis was found holding up at Rubin’s haunted mansion on Laurel Canyon Blvd channeling with the group, Love and Rockets, when a fire broke out. In 1998, Genesis was awarded $1,572,000 in damages for injuries sustained in the fire to fund a new dark passage with the Luciferian Conspiracy.[49]    

The Great Luciferian, Madame Helen Petrovna Blavatsky


How art thou fallen from the heavens, Lucifer, son of the morning. –Madame H.P. Blavatsk 

Lucifer is accepted by African American Folklore and most churches as one of many names for Satan and the Devil. According to the 17th-century English poet John Milton in Paradise Lost, Lucifer is Satan, the “rebellious” angel, the enemy of God and Man. Among infamous Luciferians such as Helena Petrovna (H.P.) Blavatsky (8/12/1831-5/8/1891), Lucifer is misunderstood and the subject of prejudice. Lucifer is called a light bringer, the silvery rays of Venus, the Morningstar.[50] 

Madame H.P. Blavatsky, “No star among the countess myriads, that twinkle over the sidereal fields of the night sky, shines so dazzlingly as the planet Venus- not even Sirius-Sothis, the dog star, beloved by Isis. Venus is the queen among our planets, the crown jewel of our solar system. She is the inspirer of the poet, the guardian and companion of the lonely shepherd, the lovely morning and evening star: For, “Stars teach as well as shine,” Although their secrets are still untold and unrevealed to the majority of men, including astronomers. They are ‘a beauty and a mystery,’ verily.” [51]

The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we wish to be treated…The basis of these religions than is a principle of justice…[In contrast] the occultist …is lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserved of the elite.” [52]

Luciferians are universally the self proclaimed “enlightened and chosen ones.” The aim of the occult science of the Luciferians is to empower a worldly aristocratic ad infinitum. According to the Luciferians, there is a blood-racial caste system. In the Luciferian caste system, blue-eyed, blond haired Aryans is the ruling Master Race that once ruled over the world and sub human races as Gods. The blue-eyed-blond haired Aryans solely are the inheritors of the bloodline that connect to the Gods.  

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is another Chris Brown extremely sophisticated themed Satanic rendering targeting the Hip Hop/Pop Generation, CHANCING THE IMAGE OF LUCIFER, THE FALLEN ANGEL.


Wotan- The Aryan Subconscious Psyche of the Nazis

The secret ritual Magick of Herr Schmidt and the Luciferians (telepathic powers, divination, innate magical abilities) enables them to walk once more with Thor, Frigga and Wotan. [53]

“We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels[54]

“Who is this Wotan? He is the god of storm and frenzy, the unleasher of passions and the lust of battle; moreover he is a superlative magician and artist in illusion who is versed in all secrets of an occult nature. Wotan disappeared when his oaks fell and appeared again when the Christian God proved too weak to save Christendom from fratricidal slaughter. I venture the heretical suggestion that the unfathomable depths of Wotan’s character explain more of National Socialism than all economic, political and psychological factors put together. The gods are without doubt personifications of psychic forces… And when one is possessed by such a god there is not much one can do about it and in the case of Wotan we’re talking about “a fundamental attribute of the German psyche.” – Carl Gustav Jung [55]

One of the most dangerous highly organized groups of ardent Luciferians released upon the earth was the Bloodlines of Wotan; the greatest racial mass murderers in World History, Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel), Knights of the Black Sun.

The SS was declared a war crimes organization by the Nuremberg Tribunal.[56] After WWII, pursuant to Operation Paperclip, 10,000 and more Nazi and SS fiends and war criminals were secretly brought into the United States [57] to continue their campaign of racial mass murder, genocide, and pass on their hideous and baseless pseudo- racial medical theories and occult practices.

Clandestinely, some of the most notorious Bloodlines of Wotan were implanted in unprecedented key positions of authority and power at major American corporations, universities, hospitals, foundations, governmental agencies, military, pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). . 

Reichsfurhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s most important American resident SS implant was Brigadefuhrer Waffen SS Dr. Fritz Gustane Anton Kraemer. Dr. Kraemer was a special assistant, adviser and strategist to the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations (DCSOPS) with the National Security Council (NSC) at the Pentagon.[58]  The NSC was patterned after Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany’s Security Council, and its jurisdiction was to oversee the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by dictate of the National Security Act of 1947.[59]

Reichsfurhrer Himmler’s most important U.S. government agency official was Strumbannfuhrer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun. SS von Braun was given his own entire multi-million dollar governmental agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). SS von Braun developed his own private army and security division, Defense Intelligence Security Council (DISC). The DISC is headquartered at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio.[60]

Reichsfurhrer Himmler’s most important California and CIA resident SS implant was Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing (The Beast of Bucharest). In 1951, SS Bolschwing was secretly brought into the United States by CIA officials Allen Dulles and Richard Helms in the interest of National Security. SS Bolschwing oversaw California Governor and U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s administrations. SS Bolschwing was close to some of America’s major pharmaceutical companies particularly Warner-Lambert Drug Company. SS Bolschwing and Generalmajor Reinhart Gehlen developed the CIA.[61]

Fuhrer Adolf Hitler’s personal Commando Obersturmbannführer SS (Lieutenant Colonel) SS Otto Skorzeny (Paladin Group) trained and developed America’s elite military forces, the Green Berets.[62]

They brought their war criminal Cult of Wotan, blood rites, secrecy, race and occult mysticism, swastika, pagan rituals and worship. Most importantly, they also brought access to the SS secret war criminal horde of blood-money flight capital which represented billions even at the end of WWII. They bought corporations, banks, foundations and corrupted high government officials,[63] and investment bankers on Wall Street.[64]


Mythical Nazi Knights of the Black Sun- The World Greatest Racial Mass Murderers

“Never forget, we are a Knightly Order, from one which one cannot withdraw, to which one is recruited by blood and within which one remains with body and soul so long as one lives on this earth.” –Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler [65]

The SS, also called “Lucifer’s Servants,”[66] was the highly secretive and selective elite and aristocratic mysterians of the Nazis. It was a state within a state. It was a war criminal surreptitious pagan blood cult. They were fanatical occulted pseudo-religious racialist. They mass murdered by most estimates at least 10 to 26 million non Aryans that they declared to be “sub human” species.[67]  Their patron All Father God was the Germanic pagan War God, Wotan.[68]

God of the Third Reich-Wotan (Odin) is a god of war and magic, appearing throughout Norse myth as the bringer of victory.[69]  He is the commander of the army of heaven.[70] According to mythology, Wotan hung from the World Ash Tree Yggdrasill for nine days, until he was “reborn” from the Ash with knowledge of the magical runes. Yggdrasill is encircled by a snake, and its roots were in the realm of giants.[71]  The myth of World Ash Tree embraces the Origin, the Life and the Death of the Earth and its generations.[72]

The mythical Well of Knowledge that Wotan drew the knowledge of mysteries was located below the Yggdrasill. The caretaker of the Well of Knowledge was Mimir, controlling access to its wisdom-imparting bounty. Mimir is of unknown origin.[73]

Wotan acquired powerful secret lore and mysteries from the gods, which the runes (secret decision, mystery, magic songs) later on became tools. [74]  Invoked, Wotan can make the dead speak to question the wisest amongst them.

Most sagas have tales of Wotan using his cunning to overcome adversaries and achieve his goals. Frigga, goddess of the universe, the wife of Wotan represents the planet Venus (Frigga’s Star). She is the step-mother of Thor. Wotan is also associated with trickery, cunning and deception.[75]


“We shall not rest until we have rooted out Christianity.” –Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler SS-1[76]

The Nazis saw Christianity as a corrupt alien and Asiatic-Jewish imposition on Germanic paganism (Aryan Spirituality) and its collective conscious of Wotan. According to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the Nazis wanted a complete extirpation of Christianity and the substitution of a purely racial religion. Their game plan was to take over the churches from within, using party sympathizers. Discredit jail or kill Christian leaders. And re-indoctrinate the congregants. Give them a new faith — in Germany’s Third Reich.[77]

As the Christian view of the world loses its authority, the more menacingly will the ‘blond beast’ be heard prowling about in its underground prison, ready at any moment to burst out with devastating consequences.” –Carl Gustav Jung, 1919[78]


Order is the foundation of all things, chaos its relentless enemy. [79]

According to a computational study conducted by a group of physicists at Washington University in St. Louis, one may create order by introducing disorder. [80]

The SS were Lords of Chaos. Their headquarters was the medieval Wewelsburg Castle in Westphalia, Germany. At Wewelsburg Castle, Reichsfurhrer Himmler SS-1 installed an oaken round table where an inner circle of twelve of his closest Gruppenfuhrers (lieutenant generals) gathered to delve into secret pagan mystic (Aryan Spirituality) initiations and rites to connect with the gods and either world. One of the rites most likely delved into was the Black Sun Rite of Chaos.[81]  

The basic idea of a Black Sun rite is the embrace of ‘darkness’, for various purposes. To achieve a kind of nirvanic state (blowing out of the fires of greed, hatred and delusion) in contact with the Void and perhaps achieve Gnosis; to commune with and channel the forces of Chaos for whatever reasons the magician may have; or, more commonly, to create a Void from which a new creation or state of consciousness will spontaneously emerge, a radically different new order achievable only from an initial pure Chaos.[82]

The Black Sun Rite of Chaos is the Bowie experience at Rubin’s haunted mansion that channeled the soul of Merlin, the Magician, into him. Is that not what Reichsfurhrer Himmler and his Gruppenfuhrers were doing channeling the souls of King Arthur, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table at Wewelsburg Castle. In fact, Himmler had also channeled Merlin.[83]

The ultimate goal of Luciferian Chaos was to create massive anarchy and chaos (Helter Skelter) for the purpose of collapsing the current structures such as Christianity to be replaced with the New World Order and Racial Religion.[84]


"The Lame Devil" Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels

Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels, was largely responsible for creating the Nazi propaganda program to control public opinion; spin the rise of the mythic Fuehrer, Germany’s glorious pagan past, and the global genocide of Jews and People of Color.

Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry was the largest Nazi governmental operation. It began in 1933 with five departments and 350 employees. By 1939, there were 2000 employees in 17 departments. Between 1933 and 1941, the Ministry’s budget grew from 14 million to 187 million Reichsmarks (approximately $85 Million). Three state secretaries were subordinate to Joseph Goebbels. [85]

Goebbels and his extraordinary large propaganda ministry controlled the press, radio, theater, music and films with an iron fist and through the barrel of guns. The little evil genius was the chief architect of the Kristallnacht attack on Jews, which historians consider to be the beginning of the Final Solution, leading towards the genocide of the Holocaust.[86]

It is widely accepted that the little evil genius and his family committed suicide in Hitler’s secret underground bunker in Berlin on May 1, 1945. According to witnesses, by the way members of the SS (Bloodlines of Wotan), the bodies of Goebbels, wife and family were torched in a large bonfire and burned beyond recognition. The SS buried Goebbels and family in a secret location.

The most wanted war criminals of the 20th Century; the bodies of the Goebbels family, along with those of Hitler and Eva Braun were secretly buried and reburied together by the Soviets, ultimately in the courtyard of KGB headquarters in Magdeburg, Germany. In April 1970, all the remains were reburned and scattered in the Elbe River.[87] There is no direct or independent evidence that Goebbels really died on that day.

Goebbels was an ardent Wotan pagan high priest and vivid occultist and magikian. May 1 is a pagan holy day scared to the Bloodlines of Wotan so established by Reichsfurhrer Himmler. In fact, Alfred Rosenberg, Commissar for Supervision of Intellectual and Ideological Education of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) officially formed May 1 as the day of the summer solstice festival and ceremony for the SS to replace Christian festivals.[88]

Goebbels didn’t go anywhere, but deep cover underground like Himmler,[89] Hitler,[90] Nazi Party Minister Martin Bormann,[91] Obergruppenfuhrer SS Dr. Ing Hans Kammler,[92] and thousands of other wanted Nazi war criminals. The May 1 summer solstice ceremony is a life cycle renewal pagan ritual celebrated by singing, dancing around a maypole, and large bonfires.[93]


In 1947, just one year after Goebbels ceremonial and illusionary suicide, U.S. Military Intelligence pressed into service the secret station and experimental laboratory in Laurel Canyon to start the Cold War propaganda campaign. The laboratory mirrored certain aspects of Goebbels’ propaganda ministry. Why Laurel Canyon? It was secluded. The Nazis had a footprint (Herr Schmidt’s Compound) there and knew the terrain. But most importantly, it was uphill to Hollywood and its vast mass media resources. I suspect that Goebbels or one or more his officials brought into U.S. through Operation Paperclip flew in and setup the Lookout Mountain experimental laboratory.    

In 1948, just two years after Goebbels purely ceremonial and illusionary suicide, Wall Street Banker Attorneys, former OSS officers, CIA officials Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner officially created Operation MOCKINGBIRD.[94] It was an illegal domestic operation designed to mimic (MOCK) Goebbels Public Enlightenment and Propaganda Ministry.

The CIA’s proganda machine rivaled Goebbels’ ministry in mission, size and scope; to control the media and public opinion with an iron fist and Artichoke (assassinations). In the 1950s, Operation MOCKINGBIRD expenditures were a full third of the CIA’s covert operations budget. Some 3, 000 salaried and contract CIA employees were engaged in propaganda efforts. It also included some of Goebbels’s Bloodline of Wotan staff. Operation MOCKINGBIRD cost American taxpayers an estimated $265 million a year by 1978, a budget larger than the combined expenditures of Reuters, UPI and the AP news syndicates.[95] 

Is Operation MOCKINGBIRD still alive? CIA censorship and media-propagandizing was supposed to have stopped in the mid-1970s after the Church Committee investigated Operation MOCKINGBIRD. At the time, every major media outlet was infected with MOCKINGBIRD.[96]

Some years ago, I met with some brothers from the East Coast in Oakland. The subject of one discussion was Spike Lee’s 1992 Malcolm X movie. One brother said that he had actually confronted Lee in regards to why Malcolm X’s affair with a blue-eyed-blond dominated almost half of the movie. Reportedly, Lee told him that the FBI wrote that part of the script, most likely, Operation MOCKINGBIRD.

In 2004, Ben Bagdikian’s revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS)  — own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, and movie studios of the United States. U.S. General Electric’s NBC is a close sixth. [97] Vivendi headquartered in Paris is also an international entertainment industry giant in music, television, film, publishing, telecommunications, internet, and video games. [98]

Bertelsman has confirmed secret direct ties to racial mass murderers-Lucifer’s Servants, Fuhrer Hitler, Reichsfurhrer Himmler, Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels and Nazi Germany.[99] Bertelsman has a direct connection to Chris Brown’s balant satanic themed music and videos.

In 2004, BMG set up a joint-venture with Sony Music to create Sony BMG, reducing the Big Five of music companies to the Big Four. BMG Music Publishing, the world’s third largest music publisher, remained wholly owned by Bertelsmann at the time, but was sold to Universal Music (Group) Publishing in 2006.

Def Jam Recordings is owned by the Universal Music Group.[100] Edgar Bronfman, Jr. was the chief architect behind the creation of Universal Music Group and the Universal Studios film division.[101]

Whenever a Bronfman is mentioned in any subject, it should immediately raise “RED FLAGS”. The Bronfman Family of Canada is extreme deep cover and politics stuff too vast to cover here. But briefly, they control Seagram Co of England, the biggest liquor company in North America. During the U.S. Prohibition Era, the Bronfman gang illegally smuggled booze into the United States with the aid and assistance of Al Capone, Kemper Marley, Meyer Lansky, the Purple Gang and others. [102] They are linked to the international drug trade.[103] The Bronfman family is also notoriously linked to the Mafia, the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate; and within the deep cover inner circle responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK).[104] The Bloodline of Wotan is also substantially among the inner circle connected to the assassination of the JFK.[105]

Universal Music Group is now owned by the international French media conglomerate Vivendi.[106] Again, Edgar Bronfman, Jr. was the chief architect behind its creation, too.[107]

Columbia Records is owned by Sony.[108] Some notable owners of Sony include JP Morgan Chase Bank, Japan Trustee Bank and State Street Bank [109]  JP Morgan Chase Bank is also confirmed to be directly linked to funding Hitler and Nazi Germany and money laundering its blood money flight capital after WWII. [110]

The little evil genius Dr. Josef Goebbels that his one time Nazi superior Otto Strasser called a “Lame Devil”[111] was born on October 29, 1897. If he did die on May 1, 1945, he is presumed to have died decades ago. Yet, the Ghost of Goebbels is alive and well in America in Operation MOCKINGBIRD.

“We have all seen each other somewhere before, and in the same way we will see each other again in the next world.” Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, Dachua, 1936


Keep your focus on the out of control Luciferians, the Enlightened Ones. BP’s Swedish chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg didn’t misspeak when arrogantly and mockingly referred to the people of the Gulf Coast suffering from the BP’s run-away oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico as “small people” that he cared about.  He meant the very words, “small people”, mere vassals of the elite Luciferians and New World Order.

Svanberg a.k.a “The Ice Man” favorite books  just happens to be Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy.[112]  He didn’t misspeak on that subject either. It is most telling and revealing. Stieg Larsson was a Swedish journalists who died quite suddenly and controversially (aged 50) in 2004 from a convenient heart attack.

In Sweden, he was well known because of his long-time fight against Nazis and Sweden’s Nazi past and present. Svenberg’s favorite books (millennium trilogy) by the author are best sellers in Sweden. They are way more than “just” thrillers. They explore and expose current trends of a secret world ruling elite involved in “isms”—Nazism, sexism, racism, and sadism,[113] the Luciferians.

In 2004, Larsson had been the editor in chief of the magazine Expo and a leading expert on antidemocratic, right-wing extremist and Nazi organizations. He had been a wanted man living under the constant threat of death for his crusade against Nazis, The Bloodline of Wotan.[114]

The satanic gestures and ramblings of Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Kanye Omari West, Chris Brown, Jamie Foxx, and Lit Wayne, est., are but the tip of an iceberg. Don’t miss the forest for the trees, they are controlled.  Keep the pressure and spotlight on them, re-educate and reprogram them if necessary, but bring them back home from the clutches of the secret world ruling elite Luciferians. They know not what they’re doing and what they have become in the Luciferian Hierarchical Order, MODERN SLAVES! 

 “What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [115]

We live in the era of an ultimate covert occult Luciferian war against Christianity and the Children of God. We may not be able to make these people love us, but as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. observed, WE CAN REGULATE THEIR BEHAVIOR SO THAT THEY WON’T CONTINUALLY HARM MANKIND.


















[18] Id.







[25] Id. At footnote 6





[30] Id. At footnote 3








[38] Id.


[40] Id.








[48] Id.  At footnote 1


[50] Blavatsky, Helen Petrovna, H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings (Vol. II) 1887, The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, ILL (1960), pg. 7

[51] Id., pg. 14


[53] Levenda, Peter, Unholy Alliance, A History of the Nazi Involvement with the Occult, Continuum, NY (2006), pg. 53







[60] Id. At Footnote 7


[62] Lee, Martin A. (1999). The Beast Reawakens: Fascism’s Resurgence from Hitler’s Spymasters to Today’s Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. Taylor & Francis. pp. 186



[65] Padfield, Peter, Himmler Reichsfuhrer SS, Henry Holt and Co. NY (1990), pg. 139

[66] Id. At footnote 5, pg. 203






[72] Id. At Footnote 4, pg. 179

[73] Id. At Footnote 7

[74] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977), pg. 23



[77] Id.





[82] Id.






[88] Id. At Footnote 15, pg. 171


[90] Id.





[95] Id.












[107] Id. At footnote 33



[110] JP Morgan Chase Bank

[111] Id. At footnote 20, pg. 117







40 responses

30 06 2010

I would like to know what you think of Alvin Greene.

11 07 2010

Alvin Greene, “Down the Rabbit Hole” Again. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of South Carolina in 2000, and served as an intelligence specialist in the U.S. Army, Air Force and the Army National Guard. He received the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Air Force Good Conduct Medal, the Korea Defense Service Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal. Greene received an honorable but involuntary discharge from the Army in 2009 after a 13 year career and has been unemployed.

Greeene was a U.S. military intelligence specialist with some extremely impressive and interesting awards like the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and National Defense Service Medal. Look at his eyes, he has the same fixed expression all the time. Look at the way he moves nothing like military intelligence. His secret intelligence background and involvement will take you “Down the Rabbit Hole.” How far are you willing to go. I suspect he may have played some role in 9-11. Greene suffered some type of mental breakdown or his mind has been wiped clean for some reason. For whatever reasons, he continues to be useful to the Luciferians as a Modern Slave.

12 07 2010

Ive made my way pretty far into that hole quite a few times. Too many tunnels all lead to the same place. What role in 9-11 might he have played?

14 07 2010

Dear Jake,

I am happy that you brought the subject up. 9-11 is pretty much speculation at this point. I intend to dwell into Alvin Greene in the near future.

Thanks, Prince Ray

12 07 2010

Could you do or have you done a blog about him?

14 07 2010

Dear Jake,

A blog on what subject?

Thanks, Prince Ray

11 08 2010

I hadnt seen you reply. I was speaking on the subject of Alvin Greene. Looking forward to reading what you have to say.

16 08 2010

Dear Jakw:

I find it interesting that he (Alvin Greene) formed the idea to run for congress in So. Korea. How do go from a college grad and army intelligence officer to a shallow forest gump type supply clerk in So. Korea? I am a little slow, but I am working on it. I will keep you posted.

Thanks, Princeray

18 08 2010

Dear Jakw,

I am a little slow, but I am working on it. Keep posted. I’ll try to post something before the end of next week.
Thanks, Princeray

25 08 2010

Still posted. Wanted to say thx for your hard work on this blog. Its an enlightening space and u do a great job of connecting the dots for us folks who dont have the resources . thx!

19 10 2010

Thanks, keep posted. The Luciferian Agenda is getting bolder, and they are moving extremely fast so that the public can’t keep up. Thanks Again, Prince Ray

8 11 2010

i dnt believe in this things unless i hear from they themselves

17 11 2010

Dear Randy,

They tell you all the time. Take any subject of controversy of your choice, JKF, RFK, 9-11, etc. Study the subject, cross check references and they (some of the actors) will tell you exactly what happened if you are willing to be open minded.
Thanks, Princeray

15 12 2010

Interesting stuff. Just found out about Lucifer after Grant Morrison screwed me over with some magic. Used to look to Chomsky and Zinn to figure out the world. Now I’m digging around looking for people like you.

23 12 2010

Dear soundandvision,

Thanks for the comments. I also looked at Zinn and others for answers, but they don’t talk about Himmler and the SS. You have to deal with them. Himmler didn’t commit suicide. They came to America in tact in Project Paperclip. I am certain that years ago I sat in front of a Nazi (Wolff) straight of Germany on a case and I had no idea what was going on. I was totally disarmed. In not dealing with them, we are left disarmed. Deal with them, look at them. You will discover that the same patterns are repeating if quiet is not kept. Those who know, know.

Thanks, Princeray

6 03 2013
retarded shit

It’s odd that when one’s society is controlled from top to bottom by jews the sheep blame the problematic byproducts of globalist jewry on the eternal enemy of the jews in order to comfort their holocaustianity dogma.

5 05 2011
the strike

America ingested the devil and now is vomitting hell.

2 10 2011

I do believe that the record companies are using artists for Satanism by writing songs and pressuring the artists to sing them. This has been going on for years and I always thought the easiest ways to corrupt young minds is through music. Which in the Bible was one way that Satan used to get into the minds of kids. The devil is nothing but a liar, because God doesn’t misundestands anyone. If anything he knows us more than we know ourselves. So this is an excuse for power greedy individuals to practice evil to get ahead. In the long run it’s not worth selling your soul and eventually it leads to destruction. People lose their minds, turn to drugs and alcohol and commit suicide due to selling their souls to Satan. I feel sorry for the artists today that are mega stars because there is so much pressure from these record companies. Even if they don’t worship Satan, they’re playing a role just to stay successful.

8 11 2011

Dear Betsy,

It is beyond pressure. I believe that you must join them, Luciferians or Masons, in a Blood Oath of Secrecy even before entering the music industry. There is no choice. This is particularly true for Black Artist. They want complete and absolute control over the music industry. These people aren’t playing. Look at Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael and Janet Jackson. Keep exploring and studying.

Thanks, Princeray

13 01 2012

[…] DEF JAM, RICK ROSS & PSYCHOLOGICAL SATANIC WARFARE AGAINST HIP HOP/POP « In Search of Black Ass…. Share this:FacebookStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Leave a Comment […]

18 02 2012

Every tin nice up!!!

13 03 2012
Ghost Rider Radio™ Conspiracy Or Not: Illuminati, Occult & Mind Control Within The Entertainment Industry |

[…] what Kanye West’s short musical video POWER means. This music video is courtesy of Kabalist Fredrick Jay Rick Rubin and Island Def Jam Records, he stands with illuminated glowing eyes between two infinite closed […]

13 09 2012
timothy timm

update me

1 10 2012

Dear Timothy Timm,

I have been thinking about it for sometime, but things just seem to keep developing that tie me up. Hopefully, I can get back to the Hip Hop Satanic Cults.

Sincerely, Princeray

16 12 2012

fantastic blog. Just spent the last 4 hours reading.. Learned some things I was completely unaware of.

Great Job!

25 01 2013

Dear Solo,

Thanks for the comment. Keep posted. Princeray

3 01 2013

[…] into developing a relationship with another notorious military intelligence occultist-CIA Assassin William Burroughs.[111] Stephen Davis, the biographer of the Led Zeppelin saga “Hammer of the Gods”, compares […]

12 01 2013

[…] “We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels […]

5 02 2013

your satanism is totally racial discrimination against African Americans who are making it big tym in the music industry.Do you mean white artists are the holy one.Accept defeat,why not comment on rock music or find something better to waste your tym on.IF YOU DONT LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR & DISCRIMINATE ie racism ;then you are satanic.Please spare those stars,people enjoy their works ;why jealousy????

13 03 2013

Dear Wmoyo,

I have been a lover of Black Music including our sacred gosgels since an early age. Contrary to your belief, Black music is under assault. Independent music Black artists and the entire industry is on the decline. Our music celebrated God, love, strenght and our struggle for justice. Our music has always been just, natural, inspirational and everlasting. Satanism in our music is not our agenda, but those that seek to destory the hearts, soul, minds and unity of the people unlike anytime before. I chose to see the light and RESIST!

Sincerely, Princeray

Sincerely, Princeray

6 03 2013
retarded shit

Quite possibly the most deluded retarded nonsensical thing I have ever heard.
You forgot to mention the fact that Rubin Himself IS A JEW

13 03 2013

Dear Retarded Shit,

Again, I don’t focus on the Jews when there is much bigger picture.

Thanks, Princeray

6 03 2013
retarded shit

keep chasing ghosts you dumbass how blind does one have to be to not even recognize Judaism sitting atop the entertainment media’s pyramid.

13 03 2013

Dear Retarded Shit,

Judaism has not come close to what Nazism proved to have been and done to the world. If you truly believe that that the 1000 Year Reich died with Hitler and Himmler, you’re been badly misinformed and educated. PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!

10 07 2013
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27 02 2014
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5 03 2014

Dear Techocrat,

Thanks for the comment. I do appreciate it. It does rejuvenate. Most Sincerely, Princeray

4 03 2014

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cherish your work.

21 07 2014
Kushite Prince

Thanks for this post Princeray! This was very educational! Bravo!

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