25 04 2015




Needless to say, there is one IMAGE of a Black Male that the corporate mass media and Satanic New World Order had no hand in creating. It is a Black Male IMAGE that they will not recognize or foster under any circumstances, not even in HollyWeird. This Black Male was proven not to turn his back to the EMENIES of the PEOPLE and RUN. He taught other young sisters and brothers , even myself, not to fear or turn our backs to the enemy and run- if our cause is RIGHT and JUST. It is an IMAGE of a Black Male that the system has spent millions of dollars and used some of its most covert and Satanic forces, and mind control technology to SUPPRESS and DESTROY.   It was late 1966 or early 1967, Sister Betty Shabazz, the wife of the late Malcolm X, was invited to San Francisco in her honor and the memory of the beloved, Brother Malcolm.


There were death threats and some racial noise being raised and surrounded her  trip to the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. As I recall, the brothers and sisters were concerned about her safety during . Huey and the Panthers stepped forward to provide Sister Betty escort security while she was in San Francisco. I heard about Sister Betty’s trip to the city late. I didn’t own a gun, and couldn’t arrange to get one by the time Sister Betty made to town or else I intended also to be with Brother Huey. However, Huey was surrounded by a group of strong and firm brothers.  I made it to the city community center where Sister Betty was to be honored to provide backup if needed.


The LEGEND is Huey and the Panthers boldly invaded the San Francisco Airport FULLY OPENLY ARMED to escort Sister Betty from the plane as soon as she touched ground in city. It caught airport security and the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) by complete surprise even Sister Betty had been somewhat startled at first with Huey and the Panthers. But when it came to the Love of the PeopleHuey and the brothers always meant business. They sent the message to some of our “sick white brothers” that nothing was going to happen to Sister Betty without consequences.

At some point in route to the center, the SFPD mustered up some forces and stopped Huey and the brothers. One SFPD sergeant stepped forward and told them that he was going to take their guns. Well, Huey had his infamous shotgun. He told the sergeant that he wasn’t going to take his gun. The sergeant stepped forward toward Huey. Click-Click,” Huey dropped a round in the chamber. Panthers with shotguns followed, Click-Click,- Click-Click, Click-Click,” down the line. Huey wasn’t playing. The SFPD sergeant backed-up off Huey and the brothers.

Sister Betty, Huey and the brothers made it to the center in safety  . We had a wonderful celebration and historical experience honoring Sister Betty and the memory of Malcolm X in peace and order. Sister Betty’s trip to the Bay Area was without incident, but the astounding courage of HUEY P. NEWTON and early Black Panther Party for Self Defense made her trip absolutely legendary, historical and UNFORGETTABLE.



Sir Francis Bacon’s (Shakespeare) 16th Century CALIBAN–  Half-Human, Half- Devil, a “Demi-DEVIL

We do not expect the white mass media and New World Order to create or foster Positive Black Male  images, but, we also need to be vigilant when they clandestinely create and implant among the masses ILLUSIONS and false Images of the Black Male that degenerate our history, humanity to create and falsify a climate to  justify Racial Mass Murder of Black Males.


” … he [18 year old Michael Brown] looked up at me and had the most intense aggressive face. The only way I can describe it, IT looks like a DEMON … I tried to pull the trigger again …” Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, Grand Jury Transcript[1]

At the very least, Darren Wilson was a fool of 16th Century pseudo race mythology, his own prejudice and stupidity. This racist nitwit afraid of DEMONS  should never have been given a gun and a badge. He should have been at the very least charged with criminal homicide- unlawful killing of a human being.  The young brother, Michael Brown, was no IT or a damn DEMON. The continuing public images of young Black men, women, children and our elders being slaughtered in the street across the nation by police officers with the slightest pretext and now demonology is traumatizing, graphic and chilling. It constitutes CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.


This is no Crisis Actor Defying Himself Breath & A Natural Basic Human Response- the Law of Self Preservation.

The images of 50 year old Walter Scott being gunned down by North Charleston Police Officer Michael T. Slager, 33 years old, is absolutely chilling. It is also appalling that immediately after the shooting, disinformation artists began to devalue Scott’s life and rob him and the people that loved him of his HUMANITY– the shooting was a hoax and false flag. Indeed, after a national exposed incident such as this of a sworn police officer executing an unarmed black citizen caught on video, black Masons and counter-intelligence crisis actors move in immediately primarily to control the national/international narrative and spin. But in Walter Scott’s case, Michael Slager slew him in cold blood. This is no act or hoax. This is not a game!


Instead of continuing to devalue Black Lives at the every first instance, we need to know who these shooters really are. We need to know who Michael T. Slager is? We need to know why after gunning down Scott he appears to be on the path of Masonic (KKK) initiation? Slager is 33 (now most likely 33rd Degree). Already, disinformation artists are on the internet saying that in a struggle between Walter Scott and Officer Slager, Scott took the officer’s stun gun and shot him in the right leg and that is why Slater’s pants leg is up. The problem is that Slager didn’t mention that he had been shot in the leg by his stun gun. Slager said that Scott took his stun gun. He said that he felt his life was threatened then shot him in the back, and that has been proved to be a gross fabrication of the facts and a SHAM.

The video showed Officer Slager calmly firing eight shots from a high velocity 45 caliber Glock 21 at Scott as he fled—who was reportedly hit five times. Bullets tore through his bones and tissues, with one bullet piercing his heart. Pierce to penetrate or run through (something).[2] Maybe that’s why there is no blood visible from the video, the high velocity bullets went through Scott– the bleeding was internal. During the late sixties, there was a lot of debate about high powered weapons like the 357 Magnum versus the standard issue 38 caliber. They said that a round from a 357 could pierce an engine block. In most instances, bullets fired from a 357 easily pierce human tissue leaving a subject still alive.

The last police shooting case I worked on in Los Angeles involved a young Black man named Lionel shot in the head by a LA County Firestone Division Sheriff with a 357 Magnum or other high powered weapon with high velocity bullets. Lionel survived to fight another day because the bullet pierced- went through his skull and brain tissue.

Lionel had just purchased a pistol. He and a friend shot off a round in an alley next to his house to test fire the pistol. He didn’t know it, but there were two sheriff deputies on a traffic stop down the street that heard the shot and rushed up to Lionel’s house with guns drawn. Lionel saw them coming and threw the pistol in the bushes near the alley. He went inside his home and poured himself a glass of wine. When the officer screamed for him to come out with his hands up. Lionel calmly exited the house to the front porch with a glass of wine held up high in his hand. One officer immediately shot him in the head to slay him. The officer said that Lionel pointed the weapon that he had just test fired at him. To add insult to his brain injury, Lionel was criminally charged with attempted murder of the sheriff deputy that tried to kill him.

Well, we got discovery from the D.A. In discovery, they forgot to remove the evidence photo of Lionel’s pistol thrown in the bushes next to his house near the alley. It was nowhere near Lionel or the front porch of his house. Lionel’s attempted murder charge was immediately tossed by the D.A. I couldn’t get that lying deputy prosecuted, but Los Angeles County paid through their teeth for that gross and flagrant injustice against a fellow HUMAN BEING. Following Lionel’s case, the Mayor of Los Angeles (ex-LAPD Chief Thomas Bradley) put a great deal of pressure on my employer to take me out of the police abuse legal battle field.


Officer Slager coolly without  human compassion stood over Scott just like that half-wit DEMON slayer hovered over Michael Brown as if they had slaughtered trophy animals for the New World Order.


But what struck me really-really odd about Officer Slager, I felt an immediate sense of familiarly with his image. Officer Slager is strikingly similar to the image of ILLUMINATI HollyWeird actor Mel GibsonConspiracy Theory, Braveheart (Robert the Bruce- HUMAN SCARIFICE), and the Passion of Christ (SON OF GOD!).[3]


It is not beyond reason that ILLUMINATI HollyWeird stars work hand and hand with U.S. military intelligence and CIA to allow their images to be used as ILLUSIONS in clandestine military intelligence mass population psychological warfare operations. Already, Fox News and Geraldo Rivera are at this very moment planting subliminal seeds, Images and ILLUSIONS in mass media that Officer Slager will not/can not be convicted of a crime slaying in cold blood a poor, frightened and desperate fleeing human being, Walter Scott, .[4]


Above, ILLUMINATI/Luciferian Eye of Horus, HollyWeird’s Mel Gibson & CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather- Aldous Huxley


We love you, My Dear Brother Walter Scott. I believe that the people  of the world truly understand that you didn’t want to hurt anyone. You ran in fear due to being hopelessly  subjected to draconian indefinite incarceration without a remedy for owed back child support. In 2008, you went to jail for a full six months after falling behind by $6,800 in child support payments.[5]  You didn’t have to be shot in back for that. In a sense, you were gunned down on the pretext of an Old English Debtor and America’s Fugitive Slave Laws out of the Nineteen Century. I hope and pray that your slayer will be tried and convicted, and your SOUL will rest in forever PEACE.


The Luciferian Elite Cabal desires a world without People of Color, particularly Black People. In The Book of Co-Creation futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard writes: “Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend …. One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ … Now as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human — the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers — the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body …. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”[6]


Body cameras on police officers will not be enough to protect the masses of color or the  “TRAIL OF DEAD BLACK PEOPLE”  across the nation from the Riders of the Pale Horse, because it is part of a widespread clandestine global ILLUMINATI/New World Order racialist paradigm and agenda of GENOCIDE. One of the main principles of the Satanic racialist paradigm and agenda sweeping across America includes the denial and degradation of the humanity of Black People- the UNTERMENSCH (Caliban).

In Baltimore, Freddie Gray’s Human Rights were flagrantly violated. All of the neighborhood crime stopper cameras that captured video evidence of what the state did to him were allegedly inoperative or turned off.  The state treated Freddie Gray less than an animal. Witnesses said that police folded him up like a pretzel. The state denied his cries for medical help. Instead of medical help, the state hog tied him then threw him on the floor of a paddy wagon like a sack of potatoes. In combination with Satanic paradigm and agenda of GENOCIDE, corporate mass media continue to defy Freddie Gray’s pleas for natural human compassion.

As you celebrate the prosecution of Officer Slager for criminal homicide and the life of Walter Scott, don’t take your eye off the Global Satanic Cabal. Don’t be distracted by focusing on the finger and miss the heavenly glory of our sacred cause- Unconditional Freedom and Human Dignity. The ILLUMINATI/New World Order Luciferian agenda is unfolding all around you calling for the destruction of Christianity, everything dear to you, and a 21st Century Black Holocaust.

Battle the Enemy with Emotional Content

Even in the American popular culture, subliminal messages are being sent out among the global masses that it’s acceptable to kill and slaughter Black people. In total disrespect to our HUMANITY and UNIVERSIAL HUMAN RIGHTS, the little racist prick, Justin Bieber, `called for killing Black People as an initiation and right of passage to the KKK as if it is a JOKE. This is no JOKE, and he needs to internalize this.

Kill A Black Man- Join the KKK

Hip Hop’s newest Satanic High Priestess and WITCH, Australian Iggy Azalea, has adopted the rebel confederacy cause- Return Black People to Human Bondage in VIOLATION OF OUR HUMAN RIGHTS. The Hip Hop generation has failed in an united demand to high profile Satanic ILLUMINATI Snakes such Justin Bieber as Iggy to UNCONDITIONALLY RESPECT the Human Rights of Black People and masses of color.


EYES WIDE SHUT. Black Hip Hop rappers have lost their minds in adopting the symbolism and badges of the Confederacy, African Slavery and Black Holocaust- VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN HUMAN RIGHTS..


Kanye West- Lunatic Save the Confederacy Campaign


Kanye West’s Lunatic Confederate T-Shirt Market for the Hip Hop Generation


Hip Hop Rapper Lil John– Absolutely MINDLESS!

EYES WIDE SHUT. For a pound of their flesh, they accept a few moments of fame and only a few pieces of silver from the ILLUMINATI and the Satanic Cabals to sell out the masses of the people. When the Riders of the Pale Horse are exposed, they have to be dealt immediately with and by any means necessary with “emotional content” to maintain the high hill- win the hearts and minds of the people. Huey P. Newton set the example- People of Color MUST defend their HUMANITY

COVER-UP, The Hero & the Rider of the Pale Horse


On October 28, 1967, a Rider of the Pale Horse was set on a mission to exterminate the mind, spirit, body and soul of BPP Minister of Defense, Huey P. Newton. There was no video or picture evidence of what happening in the dark of that night. But at the end of a life and death struggle between Brother Huey and a Rider of the Pale Horse, Oakland Police Officer John Frey was dead. Brother Huey was arrested, tortured and charged with criminal homicidethe unlawful killing of a human being, and the attempted murder of OPD Officer Herbert Heanes.[8] Yet, his legend continued to live among the masses.


OPD Officer John Frey- Pale Horse Rider &  SS/Nazi Luger?

However, a different picture of what really happened that night began to develop by the physical evidence found at the scene of the struggle. In August 1968, eminent OPD Forensic Criminalist, John E. Davis, made an appearance in Huey’s criminal homicide trial. Davis founded the OPD Crime Laboratory Firearms Unit. Davis testified that beside OPD Officers Heanes and Frey’ service revolvers there had been another gun on the scene.[9] According to Davis, the other weapon at the scene was a Nazi German Luger. Both Frey’s service revolver and the Luger allegedly vanished from the scene.[10] The Nazi Luger should have been a trial GAME CHANGER. Huey should have been immediately released, but we didn’t know anything about the Luger. Our EYES WEREN’T WIDE SHUT. We had been DECEIVED.


OPD Criminalist Davis didn’t appear to put it on the trial record how he identified and linked the 9 mm shells found at the crime scene to a rare collector’s German Luger. A German Luger can fire standard mass manufactured 9 mm ammo. However, it is not recommended due to the value and rarity of the gun. So, I think it’s safe to assume that the shells carried distinctive markings/signatures linked to a German Ammo manufacturer that made high powered bullets specifically for the Nazi/SS German Luger.

The Luger bullet and spent shell castings found at the crime scene were/are TRACEABLE. I also think that it safe to assume that those Luger shells were not traceable or linked to either Huey P. Newton or his passenger, Gene McKinney. The bitter fact is that the Nazi German Luger was covered up and concealed from the people. The masses were deliberately robbed of the story and beginning of a LEGEND, the triumph of an International People’s HERO over the DRAGON & one of its Pale Horse Riders.


The mystery of the LUGER found at the crime scene was not made any part of Huey’s trial defense strategy. Huey’s defense lacked a forensic Criminalist that undoubtedly could have offered/educated the jury and the people about the record and the history of the gun, and its Nazi ritual and spiritual significance. A Criminalist could have traced those bullets to an agency or certain INDIVIDUAL(S) linked to America’s UNDERGROUND THIRD REICH that had the potential to blow the case wide OPEN.


The German Luger had been Standard/RITUAL Equipment for Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s SS

The bottom line is that the German Luger shells were deliberated concealed from the public. It was explosive evidence tending to show a clear state conspiracy to murder Huey P. Newton with a Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler ceremonial pistol.  Instead of a forensic Criminalist, Huey’s defense team brought in a renowned U.C. Berkeley expert forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Bernard L. Diamond to make contact and examine Huey to develop diminished capacity trial defense strategies. Dr. Diamond also happened to be a notorious CIA MK ULTRA hypnotist that may have even worked with the Angel of Death, Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele in mind control studies.[11]


Dr. Diamond’s real mission was to hypnotize Huey–  IMPLANT AMNESIA BLOCKS of the events leading up to his defeat of the Pale Horse Rider; and his ritual magical weapon, the SS/NAZI LUGER.

Dr. Diamond, Sirhan Sirhan, La Cosa Nostra & CIA

“Roselli bragged to the source, who was a made man in La Cosa Nostra, that Roselli had shot at and may have killed John Kennedy…Roselli and his men then finished the job from the sewer drain and the grassy knoll while the police and witnesses were running around like chickens with their heads cut off.” – M. Wesley Swearingen, To Kill A President, 2008.[12]


John ‘Handsome Johnny’ Roselli (a/k/a Filippo Sacco), above, was a powerful organized crime “liaison” and “strategist” who ran with the likes of Mafioso’s Sam Giancana, Meyer Lansky, Santo Trafficante, Howard Hughes, Frank Sinatra, Tony Accardo, Moe Dalitz, Richard Cain, Jack Ruby and Carlos Marcello. He also had numerous CIA buddies and acquaintances from “the Agency” including David Sanchez Morales, Tracy Barnes and William Harvey from the Mafia and CIA’s collaborative efforts to kill Fidel Castro in the years prior to the JFK assassination.[13]


Mob Lawyer Grant Cooper & Sirhan Sirhan

In the criminal homicide trial of Sirhan Sirhan for the July 1968 Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, his lead attorney was Grant Cooper. Cooper was pretty boy John Roselli’s attorney. Most of Sirhan’s defense team were mob lawyers and shady characters connected to the mafia, police and the CIA. Sirhan’s defense team brought Dr. Bernard L. Diamond from the agency’s list of approved psychiatrists/hypnotists into the case as an expert witness to examine and hypnotize Sirhan Sirhansend him to the gas chamber.[14] When it became crystal clear to the public that Sirhan had been subjected to a clandestine series of hypnotism, Dr. Diamond’s expert opinion was that Sirhan acted alone in the assassination of Senator Kennedy while in a self-induced trance state. Sirhan hypnotized himself.[15]

HUEY P. NEWTON‘s crooked defense team also aided and abetted the state into framing and railroading him into prison- right into the hands of the CIA- MK ULTRA mind control doctors and technicians.

Huey P. Newton, Dr. Diamond, King of the Mafia Godfathers & CIA


Big Joe Bonanno, King of the Mafia Godfathers

Big Joseph Charles Bonanno, Sr. (January 18, 1905 — May 11, 2002) was a Sicilian- born American Mafioso who became the boss of the Bonanno Mob Family.[16] Huey’s lead attorney Charles Garry was a mob lawyer for Big (Papa) Joe Bonanno.[17] Big Joe was one of the big five mafia dons (Godfathers) in America. He was also clandestinely connected to U.S. military intelligence Complex and the CIA.[18]

According to the Torbitt Documents, Big Joe had been a close and powerful collaborator and informer for Master Mason FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover from 1953 to 1963. Big Joe of Lionel Corporation of New York was a key operative and stockholder of the Permindex Corporation. Permindex is Murder Incorporated International, principals in the assassination of President JFK.[19] Lionel Corporation was also an internal part of America’s clandestine Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. They did over ninety percent of their business with NASA and U.S. Army ordnance furnishing such items as electronic equipment, rocket parts, chemical warfare agents and flame throwers.[20]


SS von Braun & General Medaris

Major General John B. Medaris, former head of the U.S. Army rocket and guided missile program, was president of Lionel. Maj. Gen. Medaris, right above, has been described as the “Patron of Wernher von Braun”.[21] That is Sturmbannführer SS Dr. Wernher von Braun, Knight of the Black Sun, of NASA. The kicker and the absolute shocking part of this entire story is that BPP Chairman Bobby Seale was associated with Himmler’s SS Peenemünde V-2 Rocket Team and SS Dr. von Braun’s GEMINI Project. This Negro also didn’t tell us about that SS/Nazi Luger. It wasn’t just an innocent omission. I hope to demonstrate that  It had been DELIBERATE!

Bobby Seale Behind the Mask, False Images and ILLUSIONS

Bobby, Lucifer and the Aspen Institute for Humanist Studies


2 Corinthians 11:12-15: “But what I am doing, I will continue to do, that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds.”

The Aspen Institute, formerly Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, is an ILLUMINATI/ Cecil Rhodes Round Table globalist organization among the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, etc. It was founded in 1950 by Walter Paepcke of the Masonic Order of the Knights of Malta.[22]

The Evil Agenda for the Establishment of World Empire, of which the Humanist Agenda is a major plank is ancient and ceaseless and those who are privy to it are the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil who control it from the shadows through placement in the Para-governmental organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers committee, and through the occult underground and the secret societies therein, and especially Freemasonry, that they control completely.[23]

Bobby Dancing with DEVIL

According to the Aspen Institute:

“Some of the world’s leading political figures have frequented Aspen during the past half century. Paul Nitze, Robert McNamara, Henry Catto, Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia and former Saudi ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar bin Sultan are among those who have or have had homes here. Bill Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Gary Hart, the Kennedy family and many other politicos are regular visitors, while numerous foreign dignitaries, heads of state and royal houses of Europe have been here to ski, socialize and connect. Jesse Jackson and John Kerry have campaigned in Aspen, and John Sununu came as a paid private speaker, as politicians frequently do for power-broker gatherings such as the annual Forstmann/Little conference …

Above and beyond all that, the Aspen Institute has been the primary attraction for such luminaries as Adlai Stevenson, Jimmy Carter, former U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, BLACK PANTHER FOUNDER BOBBY SEALE, Colin Powell, Alan Greenspan, Brent Scowcroft, ZBIGNIEW BREZINSKI, John McCain, Hillary Clinton,  BARACK OBAMA, and then-President GEORGE H. W. BUSH in tandem with his British counterpart, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, among many others. Walter Isaacson, the former managing editor of Time magazine and current head of the Institute, talked candidly with Aspen Sojourner about the political elite the Institute hosts here.”[24]


Bobby Seale is a false (artificial) light,[25] an ILLUMINARY of the Aspen Institute– the ILLUMINATI. The very name Lucifer is taken from the word light or luciferous, which means “bringing light” or “illumination.” In Satan’s case, it is a false light—one that deceives rather than illuminates the TRUTH.[26] Bobby is/has been networking with the global elite to develop false light strategies, schemes and plans to deceive the masses for a New World Order- GENOCIDE. For my own sanity, I needed to know who this ILLUMINARY of the ILLUMINATI really is.  We loved Brother Bobby far more that you ever know. We had put our minds, bodies and souls into his hands.

Bobby Seale, the Face of LUCIFER- DUALITY


Robert George (Bobby) Seale, born October 22, 1936, Dallas, TX, was an enigma that we didn’t really understand very well.[27] He was an extremely remarkable articulate, passionate, intelligent and genius of a man that won our hearts, mind and respect. He also had to have had a photographic memory. It was amazing how Bobby could recall and cite dates, data and references by rote. He also often bragged about his remarkable ability to master any blueprint in minutes if not moments. Bobby had a diversified and defining career as a jazz drummer, and a very gifted stand-up comedian. We loved, respected and honored Brother Bobby like an older brother, uncle or family member.

He also may have been one great actor of the 1960s-1970s pulling off a masterful performance that fooled a lot of us. At the end of 1968, I soon discovered Bobby had another side in Janus- DUALITY. It wasn’t just a dual nature, but a dual personality that was contrary to the wise, courageous and loving brother that I had come to know.

Bobby had a Luciferian alter personality that was contrary to practical everything we stood for as the Vanguard of the People. Bobby claimed to be a revolutionary that loved the people while at the same time; he harbored assassins- Riders of the Pale Horse that slaughtered and attacked the people that he had manifested to love UNCONDITIONALLY.

On April 6, 1969, a young brother, 17 year old Ron Black, that had been purged from BPP in the Great Purge of January 1969 was gunned down and slaughtered in the street two doors from the Panther national headquarters on Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley by a Rider of the Pale Horse.

Bobby’s Pale Horse Riders & the Torture and Slaughter of Young Brothers & Sisters

hueypalehorseOn the night that Ron Black was murdered, I met briefly with purged BPP Captain Tommy Jones, his cousin Ron, above, and about two other young brothers that came through Merritt Jr. College. They were heavily armed. The substance of our conversation was that they weren’t going to be silenced, pushed around or intimidated by the BPP or its Goon Squad- Riders of the Pale Horse. They intended to defend themselves. As far as I was concerned, I was finished with the Panthers, the Black Liberation Movement had to move forward with or without them.

However, I fully understood the mindset of Tommie and the brothers. The Panthers had become part of their lives and persona. The Panthers had given them an important, special and unique individual role and badge in history. They loved the Panthers. As Black Men or Man-Childs, for the first time in their lives- the Panthers had made them men- whole, justifying and redeeming. The opportunity for them to run to fight for justice for the masses had been suddenly stripped away from them in the 1969 BPP Great Purge.

No sooner than Tommie and the brothers moved away to the rear of the campus building traveling toward Shattuck Avenue, suddenly two BPP Goon Squad- Pale Horse Riders that had been tailing them moved out into the open behind them. It was 16-17 year old (North Oakland- Humanist Hall) Ronald Stevenson (Little Stevie) and Captain Landon R. Williams.


Bobby’s BPP Pale Horse Rides, Landon R. Williams & Rory B. Hithe

Within weeks of the slaying of Ron Black on April 27, 1969, Captain Landon and Hithe were in Chicago involved in the kidnapping and torture of a man and woman accused of disloyalty. The woman allegedly escaped torture from a propane torch by jumping from a third story window.  In Illinois, Captain Landon and Hithe were indicted for aggravated kidnapping, burglary, aggravated battery. Both Williams and Hithe were also arrested and charged with the murder and kidnapping of a young Panther, Alexander Rackley,  in New Haven, Connecticut, discussed below.


In 1973, Hithe had moved on to become an alleged “enforcer” in Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple (CIA MK ULTRA Mind Control Project). On November 8th of that year, he was gunned down and slain by Jones’ main hit man, body guard and enforcer, CHRIS LEWIS. Christopher Lewis was mysteriously slain in San Francisco on December 10, 1977.  Bobby had another dangerous Pale Horse Rider that was straight out of a government mind control mental institution, George W. Sams, Jr., a certified PYSCHOPATH, LUNATIC and a possible CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH BLACK MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE running amok among the People.  Along with Williams, Sams was one of Bobby’s BPP Field Marshals. Hithe and Sams, I never seen them before.


George Sams, above, had been confined at New York’s Wassaic State School for Mental Defectives. Wassaic was a notorious covert CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution under the direction of Dr. Paul H. Hoch. Dr. Hoch was the director of experimental programs for the NYSPI, who became the Commissioner for Mental Hygiene for the State of New York.


Dr. Hoch was a leading MK ULTRA psychiatrist, born in Hungary and schooled in psychiatry in GERMANY. Dr. Hoch immigrated to the U.S. in 1933 through the assistance of his attorney and future Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles. Brother of OSS- Operation PAPERCLIP and CIA Director, Allen Dulles. Dr. Hoch headed the Manhattan State Hospital Shock Therapy Unit and worked as chief medical officer for war neuroses for the U.S. Public Health Service. Dr. Hoch, along with associates Dr. Harold A. Abramson and Dr. Max Rinkel, was among an elite group of five private researchers and six U.S. Army physicians who began quietly conducting LSD experiments in the U.S. in 1949.

Along with Brother Tommy and Ron Black, I had also been purged from the BPP and publicly identified as a “counter-revolutionary”- enemy of the people. According to the BPP, I also had a price on my head for party discipline. I knew Captain Landon was a former U.S. Army Ranger out of Vietnam. Little Stevie was a very young inexperienced brother that had joined/infiltrated the BPP not too long ago. I could easily deal with Lil Stevie, but I was afraid most definitely of Captain Landon.

My chances of survival against him was nil to none at all. But, I didn’t turn and run. I sucked up my breath, prayed and continued my path toward them. I had my sturdy 9 mm automatic. With a 32 or 38 caliber, I couldn’t hit a side of a barn. But, I figured that by the time they got to their heavy 357s, I could get to my smaller and lighter weapon first and hit my target at close range. As I approached Captain Landon and Little Stevie, they suddenly cut through a campus courtyard corridor directly behind Tommie, Ron and the other brothers.

My first inclination was to try to get to Tommie and warn the brothers that the Goon Squad was behind them, but there were a lot of people on campus that I had to warn and evacuate. The Rides of the Pale Horse had taken over the night. DEATH was in the air. Those that didn’t have safe passage away from campus had to be shielded in safe defendable places on campus until daylight, or someone could safety get them home.  Later that evening DEATH found its mark, Ron Black was gunned down by a Pale Horse Rider. Little Stevie was accused of the killing, and became a fugitive from justice for 11 years. Capt. Landon was never pursued, investigated or spoken of in the slaying of Ron.

Bobby primarily jacketed Brother Tommy as a FBI infiltrator, but I am not so sure.  In 1969, Bobby’s words carried a lot of weight and persuasion among the people. The BPP had gunned down Tommy’s bloodline in cold blood contrary to everything the Panthers had stood for and nobody, even the OPD and FBI seemed not to give a damn about the crime and Bobby’s Assassins. Ron Black’s life didn’t seem to matter to anyone but the ones that loved him.[28]

In July 1980, fugitive from justice, Little Stevie, surrendered to OPD for criminal homicide- unlawful killing of Ron Black then the Rider of the Pale Horse immediately walked away from jail, murder, all other related charges with a scholarship to U.C. Berkeley.[29]


Berkeley Community Leader Ronnie Stevenson Passes Away on July 19, 2010: Ronald Harold Stevenson III, above, …  community leader for over 30 years, died suddenly on the afternoon of July 19th …  Stevenson was known throughout the Bay Area as an activist who led several important efforts for social justice.  In 1980 he served as a district representative for the United Auto Workers (UAW) at the Ford Motor plant in Mahwa, New Jersey.  He led the effort to change the name of Grove Street (in Berkeley and later Oakland) to Martin Luther King Jr Way.  He also led the effort to name the ASUC Student Union and Plaza at UC Berkeley after Dr. King … Many leaders on the community have worked with him and are personal friends, Loni Hancock (Senator), Tom Bates (Mayor of Berkeley), Linda Mai (Berkeley Council Member), Pedro Noguera (Former UC Berkeley & Harvard Professor, Current at NYU), Angela Davis (Retired Prof. UC Santa Cruz and political activist), Dan Boggan (Former Vice Chancellor UC Berkeley and recently retired from Sr. V.P. NCAA), Charles Henry (Chair African-American Studies Dept UC Berkeley).[30]

Even in death, it’s difficult to celebrate Little Stevie’s life accomplishments that serve no truth, justice or mention for the Soul of Ronald Black and any other brothers and sisters that he may have harmed. It seems pretty clear that Bobby’s Pale Horse Rider, Ronald Harold Stevenson, had been an internal part of COINTELPRO and the CIA’s Project CHAOS’ covert and illegal campaign to liquidate members and destroy the BPP.

Furthermore at the time of Ron Black’s slaying, I was befuddled and mystified by Bobby’s sadistic response to the young brother’s slaying. In all my heart, I knew Bobby wouldn’t condone Ron’s murder, and brothers turning weapons against each other and the people. At an April 1969 San Francisco press conference, Bobby angrily went off at the news media justifying gunning down the young brother saying that “the pig power structure” had infiltrated the Panthers with “black renegade pig agents.”[31]

The Panther Purge of 1969 assumed the shape of a full scale U.S. intelligence (COINTELPRO) liquidation/assassination operation out of the Vietnam Aggression– the Phoenix Program. It wasn’t too soon after Ron was slain, I had two “GOON SQUAD” members with brand new 357 magnums following me around campus trying to intimidate me, and start a fire fight.

Several students and I immediately went directly to Bobby’s house just a couple of blocks from campus. We appealed to him to immediately withdraw the two armed state deputized “GOONS” from Merritt Jr. College. It was an important educational institution for the good of the people, not a damn war zone. Bobby was the decent brother that I had known. He was wise, understanding, generous and honorable. I recall that he told us that he would personally immediately remove them. The “GOONS” were withdrawn.


JANUS FACE of Bobby Seale

For decades, I had been in a complete state of denial about Brother Bobby. In the first instance, I just couldn’t believe that Bobby had the capacity to send Riders of the Pale Horse to kill brothers and sisters, period.  That’s when I discovered that Bobby Seale was JANUS “TWO FACED”, and could no longer be trusted beyond sight. It was later that day or the following morning after he withdrew the two BPP Goons from campus that I got a personal calling card by another far more deadly set of Bobby’s Riders. A literal army of brothers led by Captain Landon Williams invaded the campus. Frightened students said that Captain Landon and a small group of brothers demanded to know my whereabouts on campus. There is no reason for me to believe that Rory B. Hithe and the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE LUNATIC George Sams, Jr. weren’t among Bobby’s calling party.

By God’s Grace, I had been working building security on the 2nd floor looking out over the rear of the campus when I saw a large group of men scaling the back fence. They blanketed the entire campus perimeter to block any possible escape path from the side and rear of the college building and classroom portables. Also by the Grace of God, they were looking for me and didn’t harm any students or my friends. Merritt’s original building plant is semi- Gothic.

I was an active member of student government. I had a key and access to a small little known semi-secret located faculty senate board room unobservable from the 2nd floor hallway by an illusion of colors, depths, angles and shadows. To this day, I am not sure what they intended to do with me, but I wasn’t going to take an “ass whooping” or be taken anywhere by these people without bloodshed even if it had to be solely my own. I had my 9 mm.

Even in this, I had been in complete denial. My life was just as meaningless as Ron’s life. Most likely, if taken, I would have ended up tortured then shot in the head, and my body dumped in the bay. That’s the way Bobby’s Riders rolled with the license and sanction to kill from secret forces within the Shadow Government. Field Marshal Capt. Landon Williams was the one of the main enforcers of the new BPP policy that called for disciplining their so-called designated “Enemies of the People.” This brother played no games in Vietnam, on the streets of Oakland and across the nation.

Later during the late afternoon from a small window opening in my safe location, I could see Bobby enter the campus with a large contingent of brothers surrounding him. Bobby had been invited to speak on campus that afternoon on creating a Black University after Merritt moved to its new campus in the Oakland Hills. Bobby vehemently publicly denounced our vision to keep a higher educational institution in the black community. That also befuddled me. I didn’t leave the safe haven until I saw Bobby and the BPP withdraw from campus.  It was almost sundown. I had a notion that Bobby intended to make an example of me to send a clear message to other Black Nationalists.

Within weeks of my close encounters with the Riders of the Pale Horse in May 1969, Chairman Bobby Seale and Capt. Landon Williams were arrested cross country and implicated as principals in the absolutely senseless torture and brutal slaying of another powerless and helpless semi-illiterate young brother, 19 year old Alex Rackley, of the infamous New Haven Connecticut Black Panther Trials.[32]

BPP member Alex had been accused of being disloyal, and a possible so called “black renegade pig agent” infiltrator. He was kidnapped, tortured, shot in the head, then dumped in a river. The prosecution contended that a number of Panthers that included Bobby and Captain Williams had been principals involved in a conspiracy to murder the young brother. Bobby’s criminal court jury deadlocked 11-1 for acquittal. Capt. Williams just walked away from jail and murder charges in the New Haven Panther Trials, and also apparently criminal charges in Chicago.[33]

Capt. Williams became a deep cover “government security specialist” and consultant that I know of for the cities of Oakland (Housing Authority) and Berkeley (Assistant to City Manager). His [former?] wife filed a public record statement alleging that he was part of the kill team of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman in June 1994 in the infamous O.J. Simpson Case. Of course, she was alleged to be off her rocker. Like Little Stevie, Landon Williams was given/allowed a number of KILL A PANTHER GO TO COLLEGE educational opportunities and scholarships. He is now one of the “Who’s-Who” of corporate America.[34]

The Panthers that I was a part of would have never turn their guns against the people. One of our most important policy and principle rules of professional conduct was never raise our guns against the people. Another primary principle was to “Love the People More than We Loved Ourselves.” Another primary Panthers principle and policy was “Harm Not One Hair of the People.” Bobby was there as we discussed and worked through our rules of conduct. Bobby was there when the rules of professional conduct were recorded and adopted by the membership of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.

There was no mandate or consensus from the elders, people or society for the BPP to enter into a campaign to slaughter our young brothers even if it could be substantiated as true as Bobby asserted that any of them had been “black renegade pig agents.” Unless of course, it was all part of the FBI’s COINTELPRO and CIA’s CHAOS Project clandestine and ILLEGAL/EXTRA JUDICIAL  and LETHAL plans to destroy the Panthers; and break the will and spirit of the people to STRUGGLE.


This rebellion is ancient and enduring and mankind is crucial to their revolt against God and the battle raging on this Earth is part of this great rebellion. The Humanist Agenda is the wicked and evil programme organized by powerful forces inimical to Divine Moral Order whereby men are subtly led away from knowledge of God and are encouraged to become their own “GOD” in their own personal moral universe.[35]

Bobby, Humanism & Luciferism- “Ye Shall be as GODS”


“I’m utterly appalled, I’m mortified,” he said of being arrested on suspicion of the murder of Berkeley‘s First Asian Police Officer. “I wasn’t raised that way. I was raised a HUMANIST.”-Styles Frederick Price [36] One of the main suspects along with Don Juan Warren Graphenreed arrested in the April 1970 assassination of Berkeley Police Officer Ronald Tsukamoto, Styles Price, above, told me that Bobby’s assassin, Little Stevie, was related to him as a nephew or first cousin. The Riders of the Pale HorseGraphenreed (Stan), Price and Little Stevie were all assassins related family members. They came out of a special counter-intelligence operation unit ran out of the Humanist [Luciferian] Hall on 27th Street in North Oakland.


Just as in the case with Little Stevie, the Alameda County District Attorney mafia refused to press criminal homicide charges against Graphenreed and Price.[37] Ronald Tsukamoto’s assassination was a clandestine CIA counterintelligence operation designed to discredit the Black Power Liberation Movementdivide the Blacks and Asian masses united in opposition to the Vietnam Aggression and Racism.


During the late 1960s and early 70s, I knew both Price and Graphenreed. I called Graphenreed, Brother Stan. Stan seemed to had held me in some high regard. Stan and I often talked heart to heart. He seemed to have been a very decent brother. Stan couldn’t talk about too much about what he was involved in, but I knew his associates, the Mark Comfort Group, were very secretive. They often crossed back and forth between Cuba and the U.S. I also found out that they did security assignments. I was very surprised when they covered security in Washington DC for Dr. Martin Luther King’s National Poor People’s Campaign “Resurrection City” in May 1968. However, Styles Price loved to talk only about himself. It was Stan’s confession that broke the Ronald Tsukamoto Assassination Case Wide Open in 2005.To bring justice to Ronald Tsukamoto, there must be a special independent prosecutor and investigating team assigned to the case. In alternative, proceed with a public trial similar to the 1993 HBO Special People vs. James Earl Ray for the alleged assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.[38]


Like Little Stevie, Graphenreed, and Price, Bobby was also a HUMANISTDivine Law Personified. Sometime in 1969, he had been secretly ordained as a HUMANIST HIGH PRIEST. In 1974, he founded the SON OF MAN [Luciferian] TEMPLE in East Oakland. By the Grace of God, it didn’t last long.[39] Humanism begins with the claim that God became human so that humanity could regain its god-likeness, “the ‘Son of God‘ [Jesus] became the SON OF MAN, so as to make the sons of men into “Sons of God.”[40] Humanism is difficult to define and describe. It is something out of Medieval Europe. However, the Aspen Institute and secret initiatic societies like Freemasonry and ILLUMINATI promote liberal Humanism as a new “rationalist” religion for a New World Order.[41] Yet, Humanism can also be described as Luciferianism. All of the governing precepts of Luciferianism are encompassed by Secular Humanism. Humanism rejects theistic morality and enthrones man as his own absolute moral authority. While Luciferianism has no sacred texts, Humanist Manifesto I and II succinctly delineates its central tenets. Whittaker Chambers, former member of the communist underground in America, eloquently summarizes this truth: “Humanism is not new. It is, in fact, man’s second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of Creation under the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil:


‘YE SHALL BE AS GODS.’ (Qutd. in Baker 206)[42]

Bobby Seale, Operation PAPERCLIP & Himmler’s SS V-2 Peenemünde Rocket Team

Sturmbannführer  SS Wernher von Braun, Pride of Himmler’s SS Peenemünde Rocket Team 

Operation Paperclip (originally Operation Overcast) (1949–1990) was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) clandestine and illegal program conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency  (JIOA) in which over hardcore 1,500 SS/Nazi scientists, technicians, and engineers from Germany and other foreign countries were smuggled into the United States for employment.[43] Most of Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Henrich Himmler’s SS V-2 Peenemünde Rocket Team had been clandestinely smuggled into the U.S. through Operation Paperclip.[44]

Early, Brother Bobby often told us about the curious part of his life in the “pig power structure”, the U.S. Air Force (USAF). There were a number of beautiful brothers in the Panthers and part of the Black Liberation Movement that served in the U.S. Military that demonstrated Undying Love for the People. However, Bobby’s change from loving the people to the senseless slaughter of powerless young brothers and sisters was a 360′ turn that would only mean that either he had gone insane, an actor, a controlled CIA- MKULTRA Manchurian Candidate, or he was U.S. military intelligence from the very beginning.

Bobby joined the military in 1955 after dropping out of Oakland or Berkeley High School or graduating. He told us that he had been dishonorably discharged after an altercation with a superior officer in 1960.  Bobby was accepted into the U.S. Air Force and sent to Amarillo, Texas, for training as an aircraft sheet-metal mechanic. Sheet metal mechanics, also known as sheet metal workers, fabricate, install and maintain ductwork and other metal parts. They install air conditioning/heating system ductwork and outdoor signs, repair metal parts on vehicles and install metal roofs. Sheet metal mechanics also work in manufacturing plants to mass produce sheet metal products.[45]

After training for six months, he graduated as an honor student from the Technical School Class of Air Force Training. He was then sent to Ellsworth Air Force Base in Rapid City, South Dakota, where he served for three and a half years and was discharged as a corporal.

“I come up in the high-tech world. Before I ever got involved with this stuff, I was working on the GEMINI MISSILE PROJECT in the engineering department at … [Kaiser] aerospace and electronics. I was doing electromagnetic field, black light, non-destruct testing for all the engine frames for the Gemini missile program. For all three stages of exhaust housing for the Gemini missile program. I went to college originally as an engineering design major, and when I went to college, remember this is AFTER the four years in the United States Air Force, structural repair, high-performance aircraft for the USAF…” [46]



When NASA designed the Gemini Project Masonic Symbol, they bowed the twin pillars (BOAZ and JACHIN) of the astrological glyph inward. This bowing suggests the hourglass and wormhole and lends support to the interpretation of the two stars as angels transiting the Silver Gate.[47] The SS is an order of the Templar CrusadersOrder of the Knights of the Hospital of St. Mary of the Teutons [Germans] in Jerusalem. In general, Freemasons practice the hierarchical Templar degrees with knights standing at the top of their orders.[48] SS secrecy is often heavily protected by layers of subservient Blood Oath Secret Masons. It stands to reason that the classified SS Gemini Project could naturally have various layers of security protected by levels of Masons.


CARPENTRY is a Masonry Degree

Bobby is not known to be publicly connected to the Masons. Nonetheless, he is a fellow “Craftsman” shrouded in the world of blood oath secrecy. He is known as the “Son of a Carpenter.” In fact, Bobby often called himself, a “Carpenter.”[49] Bobby’s grandfather had also been a Carpenter. In fact, his grandfather was named ARCH Seale.[50] There are Masons, Mechanics and Carpenters, these are the first three degrees of Ancient Masonry.[51]

Bobby worked directly for Himmler’s SS Peenemünde V-2 Rocket Team doing classified specialized electromagnet field testing of their Gemini Rocket engine frames. While in the USAF, he most likely probably worked indirectly for the SS at Ellsworth USAF Base on their V-2 grandchild, the Titan ICBM System.


Himmler’s SS Peenemünde Group had to be one of Lucifer’s most secretive, racist, sinister and most vicious servants on the planet- all on the U.S. government’s payroll. The SS NASA Gemini Space Project was shrouded in secrecy, Masonic/Satanic Symbolism and the clandestine plans of the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) that involved CIA- MK ULTRA; and the assassination of USAF LIEUTENANT COLONEL VIRGIL GUS GRISSOM, above, and astronauts Ed White and Roger Chaffee.[52]

Grissom and the other astronauts were killed by an by an arc of electro-magnetic electricity in the pure oxygen atmosphere of the sealed capsule of Apollo 1 destroyed the capsule and incinerated all three astronauts.[53] Yes, exactly in Bobby’s expertise in the NASA Gemini Projectelectromagnetic fields and steel frames. Lt. Col. Gus Grissom was a 33 degree Master Mason of the Mitchell Lodge No. 228, Indiana.[54] Grissom had been one of the original NASA Mercury 7. He was also instrumental of the design of Gemini and flew Gemini 3.[55] Lt. Col. Gus Grissom had began to talk too much doubting the feasibility, possibility and ILLUSIONS surrounding SS von Braun’s proposed Moon Mission to race ahead of the Russians in the “Race to Space.”[56] SS von Braun’s Moon Mission was a total SHAM and a fraud upon the American people.[57]


Barrack Obama & Grandfather or Lt. Col. Gus Grissom?

The US/SS Moon Mission Hoax would only be realized and achieved through mass population deception and hypnotism. Gus Grissom and SS von Braun’s Moon Mission was deeply imbedded in the clandestine mind control CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Project.[58] Grissom had been part of NASA’s Masonic layer of ultra security and secrecy. NASA and SS von Braun’s involvement in MK ULTRA was so intensive and clandestine that it involved shaping the future of America through implanting sleeper mind controlled operatives and Manchurian Candidates in the highest governmental offices of America that included implanting NASA’s STAR KID Hussein Barrack Obama into the White House.[59]


The man with Obama on the beach has a distinctive shovel shaped nose, eye skin markings, similar shaped mouth, lips and teeth as  Lt. Col. Gus Grissom.  Whereas, Obama’s maternal grandfather’s face, Stanley Armour Dunham, below, does not close to match the man on the beach. He does not have a distinctive shovel shaped nose, eye skin signatures nor a similar shaped mouth or lips. Dunham’s mouth is indeed smaller than the man on the beach. It appears that he can not force a smile similar to the man on the beach or  Lt. Col. Gus Grissom.


 Excuse my expression, but the SHIT is deep, and Bobby Seale has been “rabbit holed” and sheep dipped right in the middle of all of it.

THE MOON LANDING HOAX, Sturmbannführer  SS von Braun & SS


 “Oh yes, we shall go to the moon, but of course I dare not tell Hitler yet!”SS Wernher von Braun[60]


SS von Braun and NASA’s 1969 Moon Landing was a HOAX. It was a grand deception pulled off by some of the world’s greatest “JANUS” faced ILLUSIONISTS on the planet- Lucifer’s Servants, the THIRD REICH. The Lunar Moon Landing was a grand design to fleece America of its treasury, sovereignty, and its power; and SS von Braun, Hitler and Himmler laughed and rubbed it in the country’s face. Contrary to what you have been indoctrinated, neither Hitler or Himmler died at the end of WWII.

In the military, Bobby had to had been a military physicist or a highly educated and trained military electric/chemical engineer with Department of Defense Top Secret clearances. From the military, he said that he went to work for Kaiser Aerospace & Electrical, Inc. on Sturmbannführer  SS Wernher von Braun’s NASA classified Gemini Space Project (1962-1966).[61] In 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an executive order that transferred Sturmbannführer SS von Braun and his team from the U.S. Army to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).[62] Gemini had been a Nazi/SS space project led by SS von Braun.[63]

How do go from a dishonorable discharged U.S. Air Force Sheet Metal Mechanic to Sturmbannführer SS von Braun’s highly classified Gemini Space/Missile Project? YOU DON’T! Cutting, bending and shaping sheet metal will not quality you to get a job in a highly classified military intelligence operation like the Gemini Project, “doing electromagnetic field, black light, non-destruct testing for all the engine frames for the Gemini missile program.”

Major James P. Hamill, the SS Peenemünde Rocket Group’s military handler in Operation Overcast and beyond, said of von Braun’s rocket tunnel-vision: “That guy … wants to go to the moon. That’s his passion- interplanetary travel.”[64] “The trip to the moon would consist of a three-phased manned building block program. First, the Mercury Program to show that man could indeed go into space and return. Next, the Gemini Program to master the techniques of rendezvous, docking, and leaving the spacecraft while still in space. And finally, the Apollo Program to land men on the moon, carry out limited exploration, and return them safely to earth.”[65]

The USAF and Army had completing ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System) programs. The USAF program was headed by German born Brigadier General Bernard Schniever and the Army program by Sturmbannführer  SS von Braun. Titan was a family of expendable rockets used between 1959 and 2005. A total of 368 rockets of this family were launched, including all the PROJECT GEMINI manned flights of the mid-1960s. Titans were part of the American intercontinental ballistic missile deterrent until the late 1980s.[66]

The Titan program began development in 1955 as a back up option in case the Atlas program failed. It become the second ICBM deployed by the USAF.[67] The Titan I became operational and fully functional at Ellsworth Air Force Base in 1962 about two years after Bobby left the base.[68] However, I think it is safe to assume that Bobby had some role in the early development, planning and installation of Titan I launch pad(s) or the rockets at Ellsworth AFB and that work served as specialized space craft qualifying experience and DoD top secret security clearances to get an engineering job at Kaiser (German) Aerospace and Electrical to work on NASA’s classified Gemini Project.

In Conclusion

For me, it has seemed like a thousand years that Bobby and BPP have been like an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle. I suffered post traumatic stress from being under the constant threat of death, imprisonment, assassination from law enforcement and military intelligence to MK ULTRA/MONARCH lunatics released from prisons and mental institutions and BPP Goon Squads sent on missions to liquidate us. Imagined or not, the stress severely affected me for at several decades. I was caught in the middle of a classic DOUBLE BINDinsanity without disease.

“Off the Pig”


I was so close to the Panthers that pictures of Bobby eating PIG was often images and symbols that added to my mental pain, anguish and bewilderment. It was Bobby that developed and created the PantherAnti-Pig” campaign and rhetoric to represent the imperialistic racialist power structure. His “Anti-Pig” campaign and slogans were based on the Black Muslim concept that the PIG was an unclean and offensive animal unfit for human consumption.


Yet, Bobby Seale not only eats PIG, but seems to enjoy laughing in the face of the masses that he relish in the PIG (New World Order). It is a clear symbol of extreme contradiction and a prime example of the Nazi Satanic PrincipleDualism.

When I used to run into him on the Oakland streets, I was always confused- should I as a general member of the public continue to honor him for loving the people so much to found the BPP with Brother Huey, or should I attack him for turning guns against the people. But as usual, my response to whatever Bobby said was, “yea, okay, goodbye.”

The existence and mechanics of MK ULTRA/MONARCH had been totally unknown and alien. I had been befuddled and dumbfounded about the original self that makes a conscious decision between right and wrong, and Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) that involves a person (original self) covertly possessing entirely alternative and different personalities (different people) that literally lineup to switch places with the original self pursuant to triggers, keys and codes. It is known as MPD and Dissociative Identity Disorders (DID). For decades, I couldn’t tell the difference between MPD, DID and a corrupted or evil original self.

MPD and DID are by the most part created IATROGENICALLYmedically induced (See Colin A. Ross’ Bluebird- Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc. (2000), Chapter 23).


I always considered Bobby to have been a very courageous, moral and caring brother. He was the symbolic Good PANTHER that often told us to have “Undying Love for the People.” As a symbolic Good PANTHER, one of the our most imperative rules of professional conduct was, do not raise your gun against the people. At the same time, Bobby was symbolic of the Satanic ANTI-PANTHERslaughtering, kidnapping and torturing the people that the symbolic Good PANTHER possessed to love- the opposite of Undying Love for the People.

The Brother Bobby, the symbolic Good PANTHER, that we had grown to know was honored as Just, Balanced, Fair and Wise far beyond any of us. That’s why the people loved him so.  The Bobby, symbolic Satanic ANTI-PANTHER that had rallied and condoned the kidnapping, torture, and slaughter of powerless young brothers and sisters was opposite of the beloved revolutionary BPP Chairman. There existed Bobby(s) that was/were entirely different, distinct personality(ies) and person(s) from the Bobby original self.


At a mass meeting in 1934, Nazi Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess stated, “National Socialism (Nazism) is nothing but applied biology.” The bottom line is Nazism always clandestinely involve “RACE.Fervent Nazis like SS von Braun and Himmler’s Peenemünde Rocket Team secreted into United States after WWII had to have been some of the most Satanic, treacherous, murderous and fanatic RACIALIST of the 20th Century.


Leroy Gordon “Gordo” Cooper, Jr. (March 6, 1927 – October 4, 2004), Colonel USAF, better known as Gordon Cooper, was an aerospace engineer. Cooper was a member of Scottish Rite, York Rite Masons, Shriners, Rotary Club, Order of Daedalians, CONFEDERATE AIR FORCE. He was a Master Mason (member of Carbondale Lodge # 82 in Carbondale, Colorado), and was given the honorary 33rd Degree by the Scottish Rite Masonic Body.


On April 9, 1959, SS von Braun introduced Cooper and Gus Grissom among Mercury Seven, America’s first astronauts. Both had been principals and aerospace engineers in the design, testing and development of the Gemini Project along with Bobby. In 2000, Cooper revealed in a radio interview that NASA had been principals in clandestine CIA/MK ULTRA mind control projects since the 1950s and 1960s. The Nazi SS (Dr. Josef Mengele) was the world’s most foremost authorities on trauma based mind control methodologies splitting off alternative personalities from the original self– creating iatrogenic MPD and DIDs.


33rd Degree Master Mason and Shriner FBI Director, Edgar J. Hoover, was in charge of NASA’s Security Division and the Defense Industrial Security Command in his position as head of counter-espionage activities in the U.S. His agents investigated and cleared every employee of the space agency as well as the employees (Bobby Seale) of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASABobby, being among only a handful of blacks involved in the aerospace industry controlled by the NAZI SS, undoubtedly at some point had been subjected to secret CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control and counter-intelligence RACIAL PROGRAM operations in the USAF or while working for Kaiser (German) Aerospace and Electronics on Knight of the Black Sun SS von Braun’s NASA Gemini Project under the jurisdiction and the All-Seeing Eye of Knight of Malta, Edgar J. Hoover- that’s the way they roll. RACE always play a clandestine FACTOR in whatever the Nazi/SS is involved in.


While Bobby served his Satanic masters in “the pig power structure,” he was no “revolutionary”, he had been an ordinary obedient “House Negro.” It’s all been there for decades and I failed to see it, ask questions and even talk about it. Finally, the NAZI/SS LUGER should have been a game changer not only in Huey’s Criminal Murder Trial, it was also a potential game changer with NASA’s Moon Project, and the clandestine UNDERGROUND THIRD REICH in America.


In 1967, I believe that it is safe to say that the American public did not know the details about the Nazi/SS background of SS von Braun and NASA’s key controlling employees. The public did not know that Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler’s Third Reich SS Peenemunde Rocket Team had been covertly smuggled into U.S. and put on taxpayer’s payroll. Operation PAPERCLIP was still TOP SECRET.

On January 27, 1967, Lt. Col. Gus Grissom and two other NASA astronauts were assassinated in a rigged/staged electromagnetic fire on an Apollo pre-launch pad. The fire and subsequent investigation nearly destroyed NASA, and SS von Braun’s Apollo Space Project came dangerously close to cancellation involving the potential lost of billions of dollars. A thorough investigation into Grissom’s complaints about NASA’s Lunar Project threatened to expose massive fraud and corruption linked to the Underground Third Reich.

On October 27, 1967, a Nazi/SS Luger was involved in the attempted assassination of Huey P. Newton. Huey’s triumph over the assassin with a symbolic German Luger would have propelled him into world spotlight as an international HERO instead of criminal defendant. The German Luger also threatened to expose the clandestine domestic criminal operations of the Underground Third Reich in America.


Huey’s defense lawyer, Charles Garry, was linked as a corrupt “lapdog” of Mafia Godfather, Big Joe Bonanno. Big Joe was directly linked as an operative of FBI Director and Master Mason, Edgar J. Hoover (COINTELPRO). Hoover was directly linked to SS von Braun and NASA. Big Joe’s Lionel Corporation was a primary DoD contractor linked directly as a key patron of SS von Braun and NASA. BPP Chairman Bobby Seale, literally in charge of Huey’s Defense Fund, was/is a former NASA contractor employee directly linked to FBI Director Hoover’s classified security clearances,  Lt. Col. Gus Grissom, SS von Braun and Himmler’s Third Reich SS Peenemunde Rocket Team GEMINI Space Project.

The Huey P. Newton Case was not only explosive because it involved a cop killing by an internationally renown Black revolutionary figure. It was also explosive because it threatened to blow the cover off the existence of the UNDERGROUND SS & THIRD REICH in America. It explains why a top level cleared CIA/MK ULTRA psychiatrist and hypnotist, Dr. Bernard Diamond, had to immediately move into the Huey P. Newton Case as part of a CIA/SS clean-up team. That also leads me to believe that Bobby Seale had also been implanted with “amnesia blocks” in regards to the NAZI/SS LUGER and much more. At this level of the game, little is left to chance, especially to a NEGRO.


I suspect that the Aspen Institute’s NWO Elite Satanic Cabal intend to use Bobby Seale as a primary mass population “black disinformation specialist.” Bobby calls himself a “Revolutionary Humanist” decoded as a “WHORE OF LUCIFER.”


















[17] Kienholz, M, Police Files: The Spokane Experience- 1853-1995, Millwood Publishing Co, (1999), pg. 154














[31] Jet, April 24, 1969, Seale Charges Spy Agents Infiltrating Panthers, pg. 8


[33] Id.







[40] Mele, Domenec, Humanism in Economics and Business: Perspectives of Catholic Social Tradition, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, Germany (2015), pg. 60



































One response

30 04 2015
Kushite Prince

“Huey’s defense lawyer, Charles Garry, was linked as a corrupt “lapdog” of Mafia Godfather, Big Joe Bonanno. Big Joe was directly linked as an operative of FBI Director and Master Mason, Edgar J. Hoover (COINTELPRO). Hoover was directly linked to SS von Braun and NASA. Big Joe’s Lionel Corporation was a primary DoD contractor linked directly as a key patron of SS von Braun and NASA. BPP Chairman Bobby Seale, literally in charge of Huey’s Defense Fund, was/is a former NASA contractor employee directly linked to FBI Director Hoover’s classified security clearances, Lt. Col. Gus Grissom, SS von Braun and Himmler’s Third Reich SS Peenemunde Rocket Team GEMINI Space Project.

The Huey P. Newton Case was not only explosive because it involved a cop killing by an internationally renown Black revolutionary figure. It was also explosive because it threatened to blow the cover off the existence of the UNDERGROUND SS & THIRD REICH in America. It explains why a top level cleared CIA/MK ULTRA psychiatrist and hypnotist, Dr. Bernard Diamond, had to immediately move into the Huey P. Newton Case as part of a CIA/SS clean-up team. That also leads me to believe that Bobby Seale had also been implanted with “amnesia blocks” in regards to the NAZI/SS LUGER and much more. At this level of the game, little is left to chance, especially to a NEGRO.”
WOW!!! Thank you Princeray! This was very educational brother! You have my total respect! I always learn something new when you post. Keep it up! Much respect!

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